Ana Luiza, como você aprendeu Inglês? – com áudio

Antes de qualquer coisa vamos conhecer um pouco sobre a convidada de hoje.

Ana Luiza Bergamini é de família brasileira, nasceu nos Estados Unidos, cresceu no Brasil, voltou para os EUA por mais alguns anos e depois veio de novo para o Brasil. Concluiu o curso de engenharia em 1993, trabalhou sete anos com marketing, vendas e pesquisa e em 1998-99 fez pós-graduação em administração. Desde 2002 é professora de inglês, com passagem por escolas de línguas e ensino particular. No fim de 2006, criou o site Inglês Online.

ATIVE O ENGLISH PLUS Além de aprender sem anúncios, você terá acesso: aos Cursos do English Experts, a respostas verificadas por especialistas (ilimitado) e ao aplicativo Meu Vocabulário. ATUALIZAR AGORA

Os ótimos podcasts gravados por Ana Luiza no Inglês Online me levaram a convidá-la para responder a seguinte pergunta: Ana, How did you learn English?

A resposta está no áudio abaixo. Im-per-dí-vel!

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Transcrição do Podcast

Hi everyone at English Experts, this is Ana Luiza of and I’m here to answer Alessandro’s question: How did you learn English?

APRESENTAÇÃO PESSOAL EM INGLÊS Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA

My first contact with English happened very early on in my life, since I was born in an English speaking country. I went to school with other kids and I spoke some English like 3-year-old kids do.

However, my family moved to Brazil when I was 3 and a half years old and I grew up here. So what happened was, although I wasn’t in an English-speaking environment anymore, a couple of things kept me in close contact with English: music and teen movies.

I always loved music and I really wanted to learn the lyrics to my favorite songs. Back then I didn’t care at all about verb tenses or prepositions. I didn’t even know what that stuff was. All I cared about was making some sense of what my favorite singers were talking about in the songs. I used to listen to my favorite songs over and over and over again while following along with the lyrics, and… of course, I ended up memorizing lots of them that way.

The other thing that kept me in close touch with English was teen movies and teen actors. I was crazy about movies and I really wanted to know more about the actors and actresses my age. I got a hold of some teen magazines: one was called Seventeen and the other one was called Teen Magazine. Back then there was no Internet so I asked my dad to give me a subscription for my birthday. Every week I would receive my copy of Teen Magazine and I would read it until the pages turned yellow.

All that happened before I went to college. Back then I would say my English was about intermediate or upper intermediate level. A few years after I graduated from college I moved to the United States and then my English really took off. It isn’t hard to understand why, right? I had to interact, I had to make myself understood as well as understand other people if I wanted to pass my exams, find a place to live, get the kitchen sink fixed and so on.

Up to that point, it had never crossed my mind to become an English teacher. That only happened after I had been back in Brazil a few years. One day someone asked me for help with an English exam. I started teaching, word spread, I built a website and pretty soon I had a handful of students.

But here’s the thing that I really wanted to tell you guys: when I came back from the United States, I felt like I was able to say anything I wanted in English. But you know what happened after four, five years I’d been back in Brazil? My English started to occasionally fail here and there. I started to stutter, miss words, forget how to say certain things, and why did that happen? Because I was back in Brazil and my exposure to English had gone from almost 100% of the time to nearly zero. Sure, I watched American TV shows some nights, but that wasn’t enough. And at the time I thought this was happening because I wasn’t living in the US anymore.

Not true. When I finally realized that regular listening and reading in English were missing in my life, everything changed. I got myself an mp3 player and I started listening daily to podcasts, audiobooks and anything that would hold my interest. I’m on my second mp3 player now – the first one broke, I used it so much. It really didn’t take long to get results. After some time I started to feel confident again because I noticed that I was able to express myself a lot more naturally. So I’m gonna tell you what I’m sure other teachers already have: find stuff that interests you, and listen to it. Read it. Work it. Keep it close to you. This may be just a bit more challenging if you’re a beginner, but just a bit. You can find stuff that is good for you too. Whatever your reasons may be, if you really wanna learn English, nothing can stop you. That’s it!

ATIVE O ENGLISH PLUS Além de aprender sem anúncios, você terá acesso: aos Cursos do English Experts, a respostas verificadas por especialistas (ilimitado) e ao aplicativo Meu Vocabulário. ATUALIZAR AGORA

Ana, muito obrigado pelas dicas e sucesso com o seu podcast!

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Alessandro Brandão

Alessandro é fundador do English Experts e do Fórum de idiomas. Trabalha também em projetos na área de Ensino a Distância (EaD).

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