8 quite helpful Idioms

To have a crush on somebody = (Been infatuated with)

Eg: My friend Ted has a crush on Patricia for a long time.

To be head over heels in love with someone = ( Completely in love)

Eg: I've heard that Nicholas Ford is head over heels in love with Jennifer Simpson.

To put two and two together = ( make a deduction)

Eg: Rachel didn't tell me that she and Josh were together, but when I see two people so close, I can put two and two together

To ring a bell = ( sounds familiar)

Eg: I don't quite remember who Kelly Sanders is, though the name rings a bell

To hear through the gravepine = (heard a rumor)

Eg: There are a lot of rumors that this sitcom will not be filmed next season. I hear through the gravepine that they're thinking of replacing it

To hear it straight from the horse's mounth = ( from the original source)

Eg: Did you know Jenny is dating that good-looking actor? I heard it straight from the horse's mounth

To be over the moon = ( extremely happy)

Eg: Caroline is over the moon, because she found ' an amazing man' in Michael

To look like a cat that's got the cream = (very pleased with yourself)

Eg: Man, you look like a cat that's got the cream!

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5 respostas
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Jerry Dorien 4 48
Hi Cacau,

Muito legal essas expressões, eu ainda não conhecia, agora vou passar a pratica-las.

thanks for your help.
Hi everyone,

this is my first post. Firstly, I would like to congratulate everybody that contributes to this forum. The subjects discussed here are useful for students at any level.


I've always used to hear on the gravepine.
Eg: [...]I hear on the gravepine that [..]

Is there any diference? Witch one is commonly used?

Hello Daniel!!

Well, according to my teachers " To hear through the grapevine' is more usual....

All the best ^^
timphillips 11
Hello Daniel and company,

I personally use "on the grapevine" but they are both OK.
Maybe it is a British v American usage.

Tim :D
Thanks, Tim.

Take care!