Como dizer “Dar o bote (a cobra)” em inglês

Zumstein 1 31 435
Ola pessoal,
Entre: The rattlesnake lunged. / The rattlesnake is waiting to pounce. / The rattlesnake will strike. Opções do tradutor do Google, qual o certo / mais certo com referência ao bote da cobra?

Bote - Ataque de animal, ger. cobra, para morder. Aulete

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2 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Any snake that I know (among them, the rattlesnakes) can strike, that is, they can dart or shoot forward as in:

"To dart or shoot suddenly forward in an attempt to inflict a bite or wound. Used of snakes and wild animals."

They may sometimes be on a slick surface where the inertia in their strike may carry them forward slightly, thus appearing to lunge.
That´s many people say they lunge, or that a snake lunged at a guy´s arm, for example.
"lunge" is synomym with "pounce", hence the pounce, so many people would use
"pounce" for "bote (de cobra).

In the same way,it could be spring forward (past form: sprung forward.)

Anyway, strike is way more often found on the Web.
However you could use the others synonyms as well.
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Para dizer "dar o bote", sugiro "attack". Não é específico, porém muito comum. O mestre Google pode confirmar isso.

''During the debate, the death stare obama gave Romney was chilling, he looked like a snake waiting to attack [ele parecia uma cobra esperando para dar o bote].'' []