Como dizer "Desde quando...?" em inglês

  Verificado por especialistas
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Português: desde quando...? => expressando insatisfação, surpresa, descontentamento.
Inglês: since when...?

  1. Since when do you have the right to tell me what to do?
  2. Charlie says we have to use the recycling bin more. 'Since when is he in charge?' 'He's not in charge of us! Why should we do what he says?'
  3. But really, since when is $250 too expensive for a nice watch?
  4. Styx: "Want me to shoot Harry?" Ben: (laughs) "Yes, actually. That would be a great idea."Harry: "Since when do you give me orders?" Ben: "Since today, bigshot."
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