Como dizer "Ela está no papo, ela está na minha" em inglês

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Essa expressão significa ela está no papo, ela está na minha?

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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Para "estar no papo" eu usaria, na falta de uma melhor, take for granted.


I take her for granted.
"Eu a tomo como certa."
"Ela tá no papo."

My girlfriend thinks I take her for granted.
I took her for granted, and now she is gone.
I took my girlfriend for granted.

She's into me.
"Ela está afim de mim."

I got a girl's number. I'm not sure if she's into me or even if I'm into her.
This girl is out of my league, but I can't shake the feeling she's into me.

She's on to me.
"Ela está de olho em mim [porque desconfia ou sabe que estou fazendo algo de errado]"
She's onto me already. That was the trouble with having such a smart sister.
Child in the kitchen being suspiciously quiet, mother looks in suspecting mischief and finding child with suspicious 'butter wouldn't melt' expression: "I'm on to you. What have you been doing?!"

He's being very careful because he thinks the police are onto him.
Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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Be aware of or have information about, as in They can't pull that trick again; we're on to them now. [Colloquial; second half of 1800s]

Discover something important or profitable, as in The researchers claim they are really on to something big. [Colloquial; mid-1900s]


Mais contexto nos ajudaria numa tradução melhor.
Talvez você tenho confundido com a expressão "She is into me", que quer dizer mais ou menos "ela está na minha", "ela está afim de mim".
3 18 190
O uso que eu conheço dessa expressão significa que ela descobriu quem eu realmente sou, ou quais as minhas reais intenções. Geralmente significando que algo nada bom veio à tona...

Diferente de "she's come on to me", que significa que ela se aproximou, mostrou interesse em mim. Algo bom, geralmente...
7 62 297
"She's on to me" also means "she discovered that I lied to her, tried to deceive her, etc."
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1 2 11
Thomas I thought it was:

To be onto someone or something

Ex: My supervisor in onto the new saleswoman who is taking money from her sales register. ... ething%29/

É como dizemos no Português estar na cola de alguém.
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Interesting. I did a Google, and I found MANY more hits for "on to" than for "onto". Google shows frequency, not what is correct or wrong.

"Estar na cola de alguém" This is interesting. A literal translation is, of course, "to be on someone's tail". To us that means "to follow someone closely" or "to criticize severely, micro-manage, supervise closely, etc."
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Correção: Ex: My supervisor is onto the new saleswoman who is taking money from her sales register.
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Practical English Usage - Michael Swan - Oxford
269 in and into, on and onto: prepositions
We generally use in and on to talk about the positions of things - where they are; and into and onto to talk about directions and destinations - where things are going... Note that into and onto are normally written as single words. On to is also possible in British English.

This seems to confirm that "on to you" is the correct form.
3 18 190
Typical expressions showing direction

Into the night = noite adentro
Onto high ground = ao ponto (terreno) alto
Unto God = à Deus
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3 18 190
So, Daniel, "she's onto me" could have another entirely different sensory effect.
My contribution as a simple Brit
The police are on to the criminals. . . . . .. seems OK to me
I have bever heard of to be on to someone in the same usage as "coming on" (attraction to somebody transformed inaction)
Hope it helps
Mas pessoal, se caso eu queira ser um pouco mais extremo e querer dizer:

Esse vestibular deste ano tá no papo.
Tá no papo que vou ganhar.
Tá no papo que terá pipoca pra vender no cinema.
Vou ficar fluente em inglês, e isso já tá no papo.

Para todas essas expressões, eu poderia usar "to be on to"?

Thanks in advance
claudemircloud escreveu:Mas pessoal, se caso eu queira ser um pouco mais extremo e querer dizer:
Vou ficar fluente em inglês, e isso já tá no papo.
....pra todas essas expressões, eu poderi usar "to be on to"?
Be on to me ou be onto me não tem absolutamente nada a ver com "tá no papo".
Be on to me ou be onto me significam estar de olho em alguém, de forma desconfiada. O super mão-na-roda Ivo Korytowski traduz como "estar ciente", mas não achei exemplo que se encaixe nessa tradução.

Pra "tá no papo", dá uma olhadinha no meu post anterior nesse tópico até alguém chegar com coisa melhor. :(
I think my father-in-law uses "está na cara" de forma semelhante daquela que DudeSpell e Claudemircloud descreveram "tá no papo".
If so, my suggestions are:

It's obvious or, more specifically, "I can see it in your face"

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timphillips escreveu:Hi guys
I think my father-in-law uses "está na cara" de forma semelhante daquela que DudeSpell e Claudemircloud descreveram "tá no papo"
Oi, Tim!

"Estar na cara" significa que algo está óbvio. Por outro lado, "estar no papo" significa que algo ou alguém está garantido ao ponto de estar submisso, sob o nosso poder.
Thanks for the tip Dude
Entao "ta no papo" could mean People are already talking about it (it is such a certainty that people are already talking about it)
timphillips escreveu:Thanks for the tip Dude
Entao "ta no papo" could mean People are already talking about it (it is such a certainty that people are already talking about it) Tim
"Papo" it's about eating, not talking. To see how this could work, look at this example:

- Será que "Inception" vai ganhar o Oscar?
- Tá todo mundo falando desse filme, [o Oscar] tá no papo.

- Tá todo mundo falando de "Inception".
- É, tá no papo.

Something must be in the goiter. :D

Exist any slang for it? Beyond the "it's obvious", "I can see it in your face"?

Thanks in advance
My 2 cents:

Other suggestions para "Ela está na minha/ Ela está no papo"

"She is hung up on me"

"She is hooked on me"

or in case we want to refer to something which is under control we could use the expression "in the palm of one's hand". Example: The audience was fascinated - he held them in the palm of his hand. Notice there is yet another expression "in the bag", which refers to something already accomplished, cinched (and a bit slightly different in meaning from "uma garota na minha"). Example: A: - Of course Dilma would win the election B: - I agree with you! This election was in the bag from the very beginning.

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Dude Spell
I don't want this to turn into a private portuguese class but . . .
bater um papo = conversar
papo furado = bullshit
So I thought papo was talking
But in "Kidtalk" vamos papar = vamos comer
Não está papadno ainda, so mamando;

Isto so mostra que, com até 25 anos de imersão total, a gente chega as conclusões erradas
Obrigado mais uma vez
timphillips escreveu:But in "Kidtalk" vamos papar = vamos comer
Não está papando ainda, só mamando;
Então, só pra eu vingar um pouquinho mais todos nós estudantes de inglês, tanto "bater um papo" quanto "papo furado" ou "tá no papo" tem a ver figurativamente com papo (de ave), mas "papar" ou "não está papando ainda" tem a ver com "papa" (comida cremosa).

You're welcome.
Now I'm really confused,

(as you know I couldn't care less if the word in Portuguese ends in a letter 'a' or 'o' because we don't have gender for most of our nouns)
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I take her for granted --- Eu não a dou valor / não a valorizo

My girlfriend thinks I take her for granted ----- Minha namorada acha que eu não a dou valor

I took her for granted, and now she is gone. -----Eu não a dei valor e agora ela se foi

I took my girlfriend for granted. ---- Eu não dei valor a minha namorada
Thomas escreveu:Practical English Usage - Michael Swan - Oxford

269 in and into, on and onto: prepositions

We generally use in and on to talk about the positions of things - where they are; and into and onto to talk about directions and destinations - where things are going... Note that into and onto are normally written as single words. On to is also possible in British English.

This seems to confirm that "on to you" is the correct form.
I don't think so. He's not saying the girl is above the guy, in a place, but kind of going in his direction, following what he wants, so it's about a direction/destination: "onto".

Though I don't know if "on to " is completely wrong here, I'm sure "onto" is right.
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Eu diria: She is in the bag, she is under my hold.

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She is bagged = ela está no papo.
