Como dizer "Entendi o que você quis dizer" em inglês

Hey guys! I'm back! xD

I miss talking with you... I'm so busy lately... ;[
You know... work, college, boyfriend... it's complicated! =X
But I promise I'll come here for more times. ;D

So... uh... about my doubt...
I was talking with a friend of mine, and I coudn't find a right way to tell her: "Entendi o que você quis dizer"
It's correct to say this way: "I understood what did you mean"??????
I also thought to say: "I understood what you meant" >> Is correct to say it too??
And... Can I replace 'understood' by 'got' in this phrase?? >> It'd be: "I got what did you mean" ??

I'm glad to post here again! xD



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23 respostas
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Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Hi Jessy

Welcome back!

Yes, you can say: "I understood/got what you meant" or even a simple "I got it" (this is very, very used by English speakers)
wow! Flavia you're so faaaast!
thank you so much! ;D

and... thanks god! I told the right phrase!!! yay! xD

oh yes, I knew the expression: "I got it", but I thought this expression was used only to say: "Entendi"
I was confused about it... I thought the meaning was different...
but it's all clear now!

thanks for helping me! xD

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k



--> I see what you mean.

Bons estudos.
eu uso muito, i see, i know what you mean, e as vz, got ya..
particulamente acho legal, o got ya :3
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Mas algumas coisas aqui estão realmente equivocadas:

I was talking with a friend of mine, and I coudn't find a right way to tell her: "Entendi o que você quis dizer"
It's correct to say this way: "I understood what did you mean"?????? Incorrect: confusão no uso de "did you mean", uma sequência usada em questões, não em afirmativas. É possível: "I understood what you did mean" = Eu entendi o que vc de fato quis dizer [mas não disse]"
I also thought to say: "I understood what you meant" >> Is correct to say it too??
And... Can I replace 'understood' by 'got' in this phrase?? >> It'd be: "I got what did you mean" ?? (A mesma confusão aqui. Podia ser "I got what you did mean.")

Veja bem:

A: Did you say you know how the accident happened?
B: Yes, I did say that. [Yes, I said that.]
A: Did you know the people in the car involved in the accident?
B: Yes, I did know them. [Yes, I knew them.]

O uso de "did" nas afirmativas ocorre quando se quer dar ênfase, mas temos que alterar a sequência das palavras na frase.

Além de aprender sem anúncios, você terá acesso: aos Cursos do English Experts, a respostas verificadas por especialistas (ilimitado) e ao aplicativo Meu Vocabulário. ATIVAR AGORA
PKdbz 4
Flavia.lm escreveu:Hi Jessy

welcome back!

Yes, you can say: "I understood/got what you meant" or even a simple "I got it" (this is very, very used by English speakers)
O que mais escuto em séries é o "I got it".
Henry Cunha escreveu:Veja bem:

A: Did you say you know how the accident happened?
B: Yes, I did say that. [Yes, I said that.]
A: Did you know the people in the car involved in the accident?
B: Yes, I did know them. [Yes, I knew them.]

O uso de "did" nas afirmativas ocorre quando se quer dar ênfase, mas temos que alterar a sequência das palavras na frase.

ahhhhhh! putz eh mesm Henry! =X
eu escrevi errado....
escrevi cmo se fosse uma frase interrogativa, mas é uma afirmação... :?
ke cabeçuda eu.... :oops:

vlw pela ajuda! ^^

Não entendi nada
Adriano Japan 1 2 21
I got what you meant = entendi o que você quis dizer
Andy155 2
I see what you are saying
I see what you mean
I understand what you mean
I get it
Além de aprender sem anúncios, você terá acesso: aos Cursos do English Experts, a respostas verificadas por especialistas (ilimitado) e ao aplicativo Meu Vocabulário. ATIVAR AGORA
Got you.

Simples, rápido e fácil.
I always use: I got that/you!
You can either say "I got it" or "I see" ( simple like that).
felipeh6 7 58
Adriano Japan escreveu:I got what you meant = entendi o que você quis dizer
I guess it is not supposed to be " meant ". It's mean as Donay has written above.
Por que não usar a boa e nova gíria e dizer : -- Gotcha ! que é abreviatura de" I got you" ou I Got what you want... ?!
Além de aprender sem anúncios, você terá acesso: aos Cursos do English Experts, a respostas verificadas por especialistas (ilimitado) e ao aplicativo Meu Vocabulário. ATIVAR AGORA
soudobrasil escreveu:eu uso muito, i see, i know what you mean, e as vz, got ya..
particulamente acho legal, o got ya :3
I agree that this is a useful phrase. "I get you" or "I got you".

Also: I get what you mean. (I got what you meant) / I see what you're saying / I caught your drift.

But hey, the direct translation is perfectly fine as well: I understood what you meant.
I got what you said
simply you guys can google that sentence and you'll see that sentence in songs and twitter
I hope helped you guys
O modo mais natural, como os nativos usam falar é mesmo " I got it OR I got it what you meant ! dificilmente usam " I understood ou outra coisa ....
I got you.
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Além de aprender sem anúncios, você terá acesso: aos Cursos do English Experts, a respostas verificadas por especialistas (ilimitado) e ao aplicativo Meu Vocabulário. ATIVAR AGORA
alexandre.santos 2 4 41
" I know what you are saying" is possible, isn't it?
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Yes, it is.

Ex.: Believe me, I know what you are saying, and a lot more besides.

Bons estudos. Compartilhe.
A lot common in conversation : I know what you mean."