Como dizer "Jeitinho brasileiro" em inglês

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Olá Pessoal,

Apesar de não haver uma palavra específica para "jeitinho" neste caso, podemos usar "way" dentro de um contexto para expressarmos a idéia de "jeitinho brasileiro" em inglês. Vejam:

Ex:This is the typical Brazilian way of dealing with things. (Este e o típico "jeitinho" brasileiro de lidar com as coisas.)

Dar um jeito:Find a way

Ex:"I need to find a way of saying It without saying It."(Preciso dar um jeito de dizer isto sem dizer.)

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Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Very nice commentary, Donay!

We also speak in English of "the fix." Now, "the fix" often connotes some underhanded attempt or agreement to cover up some unpleasant or illegal goings-on. Not necessarily with all that negative baggage, there may be such a thing as "the Brazilian way of fixing things." And Canadians also speak of the Canadian way of fixing things, generally in relation to accommodating everybody under the big social and political tent.

So, when you say "The fix is on," you should be meaning that there is a cover-up under way.
When you speak of someone's "way of dealing with a problem," or "way of fixing something," you can be speaking of culturally appropriate, legitimate ways of managing problems or conflicts.

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Hello Henry,

I believe that this "jeitinho"(typical way of fixing/dealing with something) exists in every culture as an inherent part of the human behavior.No rule or law is perfect,hence the need for such a "solution".

Thank you for your comments!

In the following link I found 2 other expressions: "way around" and "quick fix" :roll:

"They (brazilians) are also masters of the jeito, which means the "way around" or the "quick fix" "

I don't know if "quick fix" is a good way to say it, but I'm sure that "way around" is! ;)


Hope it helps ;)
Serginho 1 3
Henry Cunha escreveu:Very nice commentary, Donay!

We also speak in English of "the fix." Now, "the fix" often connotes some underhanded attempt or agreement to cover up some unpleasant or illegal goings-on. Not necessarily with all that negative baggage, there may be such a thing as "the Brazilian way of fixing things." And Canadians also speak of the Canadian way of fixing things, generally in relation to accommodating everybody under the big social and political tent.

So, when you say "The fix is on," you should be meaning that there is a cover-up under way.
When you speak of someone's "way of dealing with a problem," or "way of fixing something," you can be speaking of culturally appropriate, legitimate ways of managing problems or conflicts.

Ainda melhor: "The fix is in". Mas vc tem muito bom entendimento, e faz comentário super ótimo. Parabéns!
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Yes, "the fix is in" is probably the more common expression. Good observation, and thank you!
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Yes, the "Brazilian way" is an almost fixed expression (there is even thesis in English about it.) to refer to the workaround ways to fix things and survive in Brazil. It´s a bit of the European Portuguese legacy, many people say.

Fact is, many people have said "Brazil is not for amateurs", but then, no country is, he he.

Indeed, it´s necessary to have friends and people in the know, in Brazil to navigate the culture. Yet, as in any other country in the word. After a while, one adjusts and never will be the same as s/he was.
Indeed it´s a matter of perspective, or lack of it. Other times, it´s a matter of personal agenda. But this is another can of worms altogheter.

On the other hand, many times people talk about Brazilian ways of doing things, then they call it "Brazilian creativity" on handling situations at work etc, even when things gets hairy.