Como dizer " piripaque " em inglês

Zumstein 1 31 435
Ola pessoal! Gostaria de saber como se diz 'piripaque' em inglês.

Piripaque = chilique, treco, tilti...

1 – Lucy quase teve um piripaque ao ver a filha viva.
2 – Sei lá! O computador parou, deve ter dado um piripaque qualquer.


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4 respostas
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Flavia.lm 1 10 100
"tilt" não já veio do inglês?

emotional outbursts
to have/throw a tantrum (ter um chilique)
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
I just wanted to add to Flavia's post above.

1 - Lucy nearly fell over/flipped out/fainted/had a heart attack when she saw her daughter alive (and well). Or Lucy's heart nearly stopped when...

2 - I don't know! The PC (simply) stopped working... because of some hardware failure, I guess.
zumstein, I dont know exactly about the word piripaque, but I do know that there's lots of way to say sentences like those...

Marcio pointed out already but for example I have said sentences like:Trina was so happy to see Dave (her husband) back that she almost fainted... in that case he was traveling and came back unexpectedly, so she was really surprised to see him back that soon.

so using your first sentence I would say: Lucy was so happy to see her daughter alive that she almost fainted. in that case I added " so happy"...Or Lucy almost fainted when she discovered/found out that her daughter was alive... I am assuming that "something bad like an accident happened" and Lucy did not expect to see her daughter alive.
etc etc etc...many ways to say it

the second sentence:

My computer stopped running, I think something strange happened to it.
My computer stopped running, maybe I got a virus...
My computer crashed and I think it happened because I spilled soda on it.
etc etc etc
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k


Ex:Lucy almost had a fit when she saw her daughter alive.

Ex:The computer stopped,it must have crashed.

Bons estudos!