Como dizer "prazo de pagamento" em inglês

Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Pensei em "payment terms", porém terms são condições, ou seja, se é à vista, à prazo, etc... e quanto ao prazo?
"O cliente x solicitou a troca de prazo de pagamento de 90 para 180 dias".

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5 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Olá Flávia,

Minha sugestão:

The client has requested a change in the payment deadline from 90 days to 180 days.

Boa sorte!
Breckenfeld 3 15 131
O cliente x solicitou a troca de prazo de pagamento de 90 para 180 dias

My suggestion:

The customer has requested a change (or an extension) in the length of payment from 90 days to 180.

Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Thanks a lot!
Mackvader 14
Olá pessoal tudo bem ?

Como poderia dizer prazo de pagamento , seria usado deadline nesse caso ?

Por exemplo : Nós precisamos melhores prazos de pagamento. We need need better payment deadlines.

Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Actually, "payment terms" in English refers to the set of conditions agreed upon, such as the rate of interest, the time schedule for repayments (weekly, monthly, etc.), the term (total length of the loan repayment period), entitlement to prepayment, penalties for default, etc. "Payment term" (singular) usually refers to the time frame for repayment, such as a 5-year term for a car loan, or a 25-year mortgage on a house. "Term" and "terminate" carry similar meanings of completion dates.

So, prazo de pagamento = payment term (having to do with time, frequency)
termos de pagamento = payment terms (all the applicable conditions)