Correção de Texto: Romantic love

Romantic love is a poor basis for marriage

Romantic love is poor basis for marriage. In my opinion, it is easy falling in love someone, the difficulty is getting along the defects of him/her. If you have a relationship only with romantic love, you will never know if your partner is the correct person to get married. On the other hand, after some turbulences in the relationship, you will be better prepared to decide whether you are willing to live permanently with this person or not.

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Romantic love: A poor basis for marriage

Romantic love is a poor basis for marriage, because, in my opinion, it is easy to fall in love, but we have difficulty in dealing with our partner's faults. If we engage in a relationship exclusively based on romantic love, we will never be certain if she/he is really the one. On the other hand, after having gone through some turbulences in the relationship, we will be better prepared to decide whether we are willing to live permanently with our partner or not.
A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
3 10 50

Romantic love is a poor basis for marriage. In my opinion it is easy to fall in love for someone, the difficult thing is to put up/live with your partner's faults. If you have a relationship based on romantic love, you will never know if your partner is the one for getting married. On the other hand, after some turbulences in your relationship, you will be ready to make a decision whether you really want to live with this person forever or not.
6 49 1.3k
To me, the impersonal "you" could be used in informal and/or spoken English. Whereas, to academic works it wouldn´t.
So, both could be accepted, since we don´t know how draylson´s meant it. Just saying, though.