É errado chamar uma pessoa de "docile"?

É rude dizer que uma pessoa é "docile", que seria que uma pessoa é dócil. Dócil é o verdadeiro significado dessa palavra?

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2 respostas
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Cinnamon 16 60 498
Hi there!

Docile adj or adv
Quiet and easy to control
"quieta e fácil de controlar"
a docile child/docile horse
Source: oxford dictionary

Não me parece um jeito bom de se referir a alguém. Também, como adjetivo essa palavra deve anteceder um substantivo:
"Docile person". por exemplo, o que pra mim soa como "a tamed person", mas posso estar errado OK?

Podemos dizer: sweet for a very kind person.
A girl can be "a doll" if she is sweet.
There are some ways to say that, but I've never heard "docile" used like that.


PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
In general you can use the word "docile" to speak about a child/children (most of the time meaning well-behaved and well-mannered). To adults you could describe as calm, easygoing, collected, controlled, pleasant, nice, etc. For more synonyms you can look it up in a dictionary, or a Thesaurus dictionary.

You could use docile as well, but then, it could lead people to think that you were saying that somebody else was easily influenced, at someone´s else call and beck, subservient and others possible meanings.
So, the answer to the question yes, you can; but the corollary of it would be -in the same context as normally we see in Portuguese sometimes - not common and many times would not be a natural way to say that in English.