E>P Breaking dawn (9)

One woman had long, pale blond hair, straight as corn silk. The other woman and the man beside her were both black-haired, with a hint of an olive tone to their chalky complexions. (Uma mulher tinha cabelo longo, de um leve loiro, reto como seda de milho ? A outra mulher e o homen ao seu lado eram ambos de cabelo preto, com um toque de verde oliva (em comparação) com sua tez em tom de giz ? ) (Maybe referring to the skin colour, they have a colour near to white, like albinos).

Tanya was every bit as lovely as my worst nightmares had predicted. She eyed me with a look that was much more speculative than it was resigned, and then reach out to take my hand. ( Before this happen, Tanya, an old and close Edward's friend, had hold his hands and he "placed his hand lightly on her shoulder". And I think Tanya "soltou" his hand to greet Bella).

I threw my bouquet with atypical skill, right into Angela's surprised hand. Emmett and Jasper howled with laughter at my blush while Edward removed my borrowed garter - which I'd shimmied down nearly to my ankle - very carefully with his teeth. (Eu joguei o buquê com uma habilidade incomum, direto na mão surpresa de Angela. Emmet and Jasper morriam de rir, me deixando vermelha, enquanto Edward removia a meia calça emprestada - que descia até próximo ao meu tornozelo - cuidadosamente com seu dente ?). (Why with the teeth or it's an english expression ?)

PS.: Now I'm in the 5 chapter beggining. Book has 39 chapters.

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2 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Olá Marky,

1)Straight as corn silk:Liso como cabelo de milho

2)Chalky complexions:Fisionomia clara tipo giz,que lembra giz

3)Reach out:Estender a mão

4)Howled with laughter:Berraram de tanto rir,riram aos berros

5)I'd shimmied down nearly to my ankle:Que tinha quase ido até meu tornozelo

6)With his teeth:Com os dentes

Boa sorte!
Thanks Donay. The explanations are very clear.