Exercício: Interpretação do texto em inglês: "coconut tree"

Segue um texto e duas questões relativas a ele. Por mais que eu tente compreender as respostas dadas pelo gabarito, não consigo tirar da mente que elas estejam erradas. Dêem uma olhada.

A thousand years ago, the coconut tree did not even
exist in Tahiti. It was the pioneering Polynesians who
first brought this plant with them in their migrations. A
tree of life in every sense of the phrase, its nut supplies
water, milk and edible pulp; its “heart” is eaten in
salads; its trunk serves as framework for Tahitian huts,
and its palms are woven as roofing.
Then, of course, there is the coconut which, when cut
in two and dried in the sun, produces oil. Plait three
blades of grass and dip into this oil, light… And you
have a lamp. A lamp which not so very long ago was
still used throughout the islands.

53) The coconut tree is said to be a tree of life (line 04)
because it supplies people with all of the alternatives
below, EXCEPT
A) roofs.
B) food.
C) light.
D) housing.
E) clothes.

54) The terms edible (line 05) and woven (line 07) are
associated, respectively, with people’s
A) mouth and hands.
B) arms and legs.
C) legs and feet.
D) feet and hands.
E) mouth and eyes.

As respostas fornecidas pelo gabarito são:
53) A
54) B

Não seria: 53) E e 54) A??

Lots of hugs!

A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
2 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
A meu ver, as respostas devem ser:

53. (E) clothes (não se produz nada para vestir com a "coconut tree" de acordo com o texto).
54. (A) edible(comestível - boca ) woven (que foi tecido - usa-se as mãos para isso). Tem que haver "mouth" pois "edible" equivale a "comestível".
Maybe when the text says "supplies" it might be referring to things people use on them.