Exercício: Leitura--Exercício

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Hoje vamos treinar a leitura através de um texto

There Wasn't Time

Time. It seems heavy for the bored ,escapes from the busy, flies by for the young and runs out for the aged. Time. We beg for it. We curse it. We kill it. Is it a friend? Or an enemy? We know very little about it. To know it all, perhaps we should view it through our memories.
When I was young, my mother was going to read me a story. But she had to wax the bathroom, and there wasn't time. When I was young, Daddy was going to come to school and watch me in a play, but he was having his car tuned and there was no time. And still now, as an adult and a mother, I do not know when there will be time.

1) True or False

A) Time seems heavy for those who are doing nothing.
B) When you're young, time passes quickly.
C) Time is always a friend.
D) You can learn more about time through your memories.
E) People don't always have time.
F) The author's mother had lots of time.
G) The author's father had a car.
H) The author is a mother now.

2) Translate the sentences below / Traduza as frases abaixo:

A) There was no time:...
B) There will be time:...

Texto de: Livro That's right (Inglês ensino médio - de Lafayette Megale Bruno G Dalcin)
Bons estudos.
Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
7 respostas
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Eu achei mto estranho esse texto, algumas coisas nao fizeram nenhum sentido pra mim, mas seguem os meus chutes rsss

a)Time seems heavy for those who are doing nothing./F/
b)When you´re young,time passes quickly./F/
c)Time is always a friend./F/
d)You can learn more about time through your memories./T/
e)People don´t always have time./T/
f)The author´s mother had lots of time./F/
g)The author´s father had a car./T/
i)The author is a mother now./T/

a)There was no time: Nao teve tempo
b)There will be time: Terá tempo
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Olá Pessoal,

Here are the answers/Aqui estão as respostas:
1)True or False



a)There was no time:Não havia tempo,não dava tempo,não tinha tempo.
b)There will be time:Vai haver tempo,vai dar tempo,vai ter tempo.

Bons estudos!
Donay vc poderia explicar essas palavras do texto? Eu tentei traduzir mas ficou sem sentido

heavy = pesado
bored = entediado
heavy for the bored = ?

escapes = escapar
busy = ocupado
escapes from the busy = ?

runs out = ficar sem / terminar
aged = idoso / velho
runs out for the aged = ?

wax = cera
bathroom = banheiro
wax the bathroom

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Olá Andréia,

heavy = pesado
bored = entediado
heavy for the bored = Difícil de suportar para quem está entediado.

escape = escapar
busy = ocupado
escapes from the busy =Escapa/foge de quem é atarefado,ocupado.(Parece sempre faltar.)

run out = ficar sem / terminar/esgotar
aged = idoso / velho
runs out for the aged =Se esgota para quem é idoso.

wax = cera,encerar
bathroom = banheiro
wax the bathroom:Encerar o banheiro

Bons estudos!
muito obrigada pela explicação!!
bye bye
Faça um teste e descubra como está seus conhecimentos de vocabulário de inglês em 5 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE
adorei esse site muito legal very very good :!: :!:
:D :D

a)Time seems heavy for those who are doing nothing./T/
b)When you´re young,time passes quickly./T/
c)Time is always a friend./F/
d)You can learn more about time through your memories./T/
e)People don´t always have time./T/
f)The author´s mother had lots of time./F/
g)The author´s father had a car./T/
i)The author is a mother now./T/

a)There was no time:Não havia tempo
b)There will be time: Haverá tempo