Exercício: Texto com o Futuro Simples Simple Future - Inglês

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Texto com áudio em inglês. Confira o áudio no final deste post.

1. Read the text below - leiam o texto abaixo

My plans for the future

I will work in a big city and I will be rich. I will have a happy life and I will have a beautiful wife – my wife will have six children. My children will love me and I will love my children. I won’t have serious problems and I won’t feel down every day. I will work from Monday to Saturday - on Sundays, I won’t work. My wife will help me and I will help her. We will be more than husband and wife: we will be best friends. I will have a great job and I will love my job. My family will be a very special family and we will love each other. In our family, there will be peace, love, faith, dedication, respect and sincerity. This is my dream.

- Allan Jones


Rich: rico
Wife: esposa
Serious: sério
Feel down: sentir-se triste
Too: também
More than: mais do que
Best: melhores
Job: trabalho, emprego
Each other: um ao outro
There will be: vai haver
Faith: fé
This: este
Dream: sonho
Her: ela, a ela

2. Answer the questions – Responda as perguntas

A. Where will Allan Jones work?

B. Will Allan Jones be rich?

C. Do you think Allan’s dream is possible? Explain your answer.

3. Mark True or False – Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Allan Jones will not have a happy life. (………)
B. Allan Jones won’t have children. (……...)
C. Allan Jones will feel down every day. (………)
D. Allan Jones will have a very good wife.(………)
E. Allan Jones will have faith.(……...)
F. Allan Jones will love his job, his wife and his children.(………)
Ver Respostas
Bons estudos.
Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
4 respostas
Ordenar por: Data
a. a big city, b.yes, c.yes, because he can work a lot of and change for big city.
3. af,bf,cv,dv,ev,fv.
2. Answer the questions – Responda as perguntas

a. Where will Allan Jones work?
In his dream, he will work in a big city

b. Will Allan Jones be rich?
yes, If his dream become real, he will be rich.

c. Do you think Allan’s dream is possible? Explain your answer.
_yes, i think it's possible not only Allan but also to everybody that believe in own dreams can become real___________________________________________________

3. Mark True or False – Verdadeiro ou Falso

a. Allan Jones will not have a happy life. (false…)
b. Allan Jones won’t have children. (…false…..)
c. Allan Jones will feel down every day. (……false…)
d. Allan Jones will have a very good wife.(……true…)
e. Allan Jones will have faith.(……true..)
f. Allan Jones will love his job, his wife and his children.(…true……)
A) In a big city
B) He thinks he will
C) Yes, I think with dedication and hard work everything is possible

A) (F)
B) (F)
C) (F)
D) (T)
E) (T)
F) (T)

Se eu tiver escrito errado peço que me corrijam por favor, eu sou um iniciante :)
2. Answer the questions – Responda as perguntas

A. Where will Allan Jones work?
_In a big city.

B. Will Allan Jones be rich?
_He will.

C. Do you think Allan’s dream is possible? Explain your answer.
_Yes, I think. Allan's very dreamer, but, the our dreams can always become reality.

3. Mark True or False – Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Allan Jones will not have a happy life. (False)
B. Allan Jones won’t have children. (False)
C. Allan Jones will feel down every day. (False)
D. Allan Jones will have a very good wife.(True)
E. Allan Jones will have faith.(True)
F. Allan Jones will love his job, his wife and his children.(True)