Exercício: Texto em inglês sobre As drogas

  Verificado por especialistas
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Olá pessoal,

1. Leiam o texto a seguir. / Read the text below.

A drug is a chemical substance that acts on the brain and nervous system, changing a person’s mood, emotion or state of consciousness.

Drugs are often classified by the effect they have.

- Stimulants, such as cocaine, make people feel full of energy.
- Depressants (or sedatives), such as heroin, make people feel relaxed.
- Hallucinogens, such as LSD, make people see, feel or hear things that are not real.

Drug misuse is when a person regularly takes one or more drugs to change their mood, emotion or state of consciousness.


One of the biggest risks of drug misuse is that you can develop a drug addiction. There are two main types of drug addiction:
1. Physical addiction, when there are withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting or cramping, if the supply of the drug is suddenly withdrawn.
2. Psychological addiction, when there is a psychological compulsion or need to regularly use a drug. If the drug is withdrawn, there are no physical symptoms but there may be psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety and irritability.

Legal drugs

Under British law, most drugs are illegal. However, some drugs are legal, including:
- caffeine
- alcohol
- cigarettes

If a drug is legal, that does not mean it is harmless. In England each year, cigarettes and alcohol kill more people than all illegal drugs put together.

2. Answer the questions below. / Respondam as perguntas a seguir.

A. What is a drug?

B. What are the effects of drugs?

3. Mark True or False. / Verdadeiro ou Falso.

A. Drugs kill people. (...)
B. Caffeine is a drug. (...)
C. There are two main types of drug addiction: physical and psychological. (...)
D. Alcohol is an illegal drug. (...)

4. Traduzam a sentença a seguir.

- "If a drug is legal, that does not mean it is harmless."

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4 respostas
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a. What is a drug?
A drug is a chemical substance that acts on the brain and nervous system, changing a person’s mood, emotion or state of consciousness

b. What are the effects of drugs?
Make people feel full of energy.
Make people fell relaxed.
Make people see, feel or hear things that are not real..

a. Drugs kill people. (True)
b. Caffeine is a drug. (True)
c. There are two main types of drug addiction: physical and psychological. (True)
d. Alcohol is an illegal drug. (False)

- If a drug is legal, that does not mean it is harmless
Se uma droga é legal, não quer dizer que ela é menos prejudicial.
Olá, bom dia.
a) A drug is a chemical substance that acts on the brain and nervous system, changing a person's mood, emotion or state of mind.

b) The effects are stimulants, depressants and hallucinogens.

a) V b) V c) V d) F

4) "Se uma droga é legal, não significa que não é inofensiva.

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Aqui estão as respostas / Here are the answers


a. A drug is a chemical substance that acts on the brain and nervous system, changing a person’s mood, emotion or state of consciousness.
b. Make people feel full of energy, make people feel relaxed, make people see, feel or hear things that are not real.


a. True
b. True
c. True
d. False

4. As drogas legais/permitidas também podem fazer mal.

Bons estudos!
2. a.
A drug is a chemical substance that acts in the person's brain, changing the person's mood, emotion, or state of consciousness

b. There are stimulants: make people feel full of energy; Sedatives: make people feel relaxed; Hallucionogens: make people see, hear and feel non-real things.

3. a.T b.T c.T d.F

4.Se uma droga é legal, não significa ser inofensiva