Exercício: Uso de Simple Past x Past Continuous

Boa noite,
Eu sou novo aqui no forúm, acabo de me cadastrar e amanha tenho uma prova de ingles e preciso tirar uma duvida.

Se eu tivesse por exemplo assim:
Las weekthe boys (go) _________ to school by bus, but yesterday they (go) ________ on foot because the bus drives are on strike.
My friend (not study) _______________ French yesterday.
Billy was on the phone. He (want) _________ to talk to you.

Em qual dessas frases eu devo usar simple past e em qual eu devo usar past continous? Eu sou péssimo em inglês então... existe alguma regra para isso?

Muitíssimo obrigado :mrgreen:

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1 resposta
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Las week the boys went to school by bus, but yesterday they went on foot because the bus drivers are on strike.
My friend didn't study French yesterday.
Billy was on the phone. He wanted to talk to you.

Past continuous
Simple past

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