Exercício: Verbos Irregulares em inglês

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Olá, Pessoal.

A. Passem as frases a seguir para a forma afirmativa do passado simples com verbos irregulares.

Antes de começar o exercício recomendo que faça uma revisão da matéria em nossos guias de estudos:

Cf. Passado Simples em inglês – Simple Past
Cf. Lista de Verbos Irregulares do inglês

-> Did you go to the party?
R: You went to the party.
->He didn't see the movie.
R: He saw the movie.

1. Did you speak to her about that?
R: _____________

2. We didn't make the game.
R: _____________

3. Did they feel better after the treatment?
R: _____________

4. She didn't get the money.
R: _____________

5. Did he drink before driving?
R: _____________

B. Escolha verdadeiro(true) ou falso(false):

1. O passado de "hit" é "hitted".(...)
2. O passado de "make" é "made".(...)
3. "Move" é verbo regular.(...)
4. "Talk" é verbo irregular.(...)
5. Todo verbo pode ser irregular.(...)
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Bons estudos.
O professor das celebridades Daniel Bonatti ensina várias técnicas para você ter conversas melhores mesmo com conhecimentos básicos de inglês. Com as power questions você vai aprender a direcionar a conversa para onde quiser e com isso alcançar seus objetivos na comunicação. ACESSAR AULA
4 respostas
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Hi :D

1 - You spoke to her about that.
2 - We made the game.
3 - They felt better after the treatment.
4 - She got the money.
5 - He drank bofore driving.

1 - False
2 - True
3 - True
4 - False
5 - False
1)you spoke to her about that
2)We made the game
3)they felt better after the treatment
4)She got the money
5) He drank before driving

1- You spook to her about that
2- We made the game.
3- They feel better after the treatment. ( I don't remember it.)
4- She got the money.
5- He drunk before driving ( It's Wrong )

False/ true / true/ false/ false.
1. Did you speak to her about that?
R: You spoke to her about that

2. We didn't make the game.
R: We made the game

3. Did they feel better after the treatment?
R:They felt better after the treatment

4. She didn't get the money.
R:She got the money.

5. Did he drink before driving?
R:He drank before driving

B. Escolha verdadeiro(true) ou falso(false):

1. O passado de "hit" é "hitted".(False)
2. O passado de "make" é "made".(True)
3. "Move" é verbo regular.(True)
4. "Talk" é verbo irregular.(True)
5.Todo verbo pode ser irregular.(False)