Perguntas básicas de inglês

fgsacco 2
Hello people! This is my first post and I have some questions (basics
I admit, because I still be on Basic level). Can who help me?

OBS: If you correct my write too, I thank you so much! (How can I
write "eu agradeceria muito" ?)

Let's go!

1- What the meaning of the phrase "just great"?

2- "Take it easy" mean "até logo"? (Mean what else?)

3- "pantywaist" = medroso?

4- When I was speaking with a friend from Canada, he said "they all
left, except one" for my question "Do you have some 'relate'(eu queria
dizer parente) here (in Brazil) ?" But, what mean the answer
(especially that 'they all left')?

5- What mean "Better and better"?

6- How do say "Como se diz mesmo ________ in English?" ?

7- What mean "beholder" ? I see it on phrase: "Beauty is in the eye of
the beholder.".

8- What mean "I have been to(...)" ?

9- How do you say "E para viajar para outros países da Europa?" ?
Would be "And for travel to other countrys of the Europe?" ?

10- Proff it's "prova". Mas como fica "provar" ?

11- What's the correct form: "Do you have a big bike?" or "You have a
big bike?" ?

12- I say this phrase in a book: "After the end of World War 2 ..."
but don't should to be "After the end of the World War 2 ..." ???

13- What's "midtown" ?

14- What's "sophomore" ? (I saw this in phrase: "That is, until one of
my sophomore math students...")

15- What mean "lining up"?

16- What mean "gotcha" ?

17- How do pronounce "I'd" ???

18- How ca I write "lê-se" in English?

19- How can I write "Seja ____ uma ____" ? (For example, "Seja x uma
variavel ...")

20- How can I say "Tô brincando..." in English?

Thanks a lot people!!!

By the way, how do you say "desde já agradeço" in English?


Pergunta enviada por Tiago no Grupo de Estudos do English Experts - ... essage/455

Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
4 respostas
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fgsacco 2
Hi Tiago! Vou tentar ajudar...

>>> ... because I am still on Basic Level. Who can help me?
>>> If you can correct my writting, I would be very grateful.

1- "Great" é ótimo; "Just" dá uma ênfase maior, como "muito"; "Just great" pode ser como "Muito bem".
2- Sim, ou você pode ver como "Se cuida"
3- Nunca tinha ouvido, mas no aparece como:

A feminine, limp-wristed guy who lacks courage. May or may not be gay, but is usually assumed to be.
"Jimmy swears that he likes chicks, even though he's such an obvious pantywaist."
Em outras palavras, um afeminado ou metrosexual.

4- when I was talking to a friend from Canada, (...) "Do you have any relatives here?"
Todos já saíram/partiram, exceto um.

5- Cada vez melhor... depende um pouco do contexto...

6- How do I say___ in English?

7- Behold é ver, beholder é aquele que vê. A beleza está nos olhos de quem vê.

8- É o verbo to be conjugado no Present Perfect. Em português a tradução não fica clara sem o contexto da frase... coloca a frase inteira?

9- Dependendo do contexto você pode dizer "and what about travelling to other countries in Europe?" Coloca a frase inteira, ou o parágrafo.

10- Proof é prova física, como em um crime. Prova de escola ou faculdade é Test ou Exam. Provar roupa, é "to try". I'm trying something to go out tonight.

11- No inglês gramaticalmente correto é a primeira. Auxiliary verb+Subject+Main Verb+Complement = Do you have a big bike? Mas na prática da língua nos EUA, podemos ouvir pessoas dizendo "you have a big bike?"

12- I say? Or I saw? (...) but shouldn't it be (...)
World War II is a well known fact. You don't use articles before names, do you? The same happens to well known facts of History. It's writer's choice.

13- Any town is divided between downtown and uptown (the farest part of the city, or suburbia). Midtown is between these points (

14- Second year student (

15- to make a line, to organize people to stand up one behind the other

16- I got you = gotcha!; is also a game, in Brazil associated to a game like "cops and thieves".

17- That's complicated! |Áid| got it?

18- In most cases, is the imperative form: Read.

19- Depende... do seu exemplo, pode ser "If x is a variable"...

20- Just joking, just kidding, just playing...

Resposta enviada por Luciano Dalcol no Grupo de Estudos do English Experts - ... essage/459
fgsacco 2
... because I am still on Basic Level. Who can help me? >>>Because I am still at a basic level.

If you can correct my writting, I would be very grateful.>>>writing

I got you = gotcha!; is also a game, in Brazil associated to a game like "cops and thieves">>> gotcha! is also a game in Brazil related to a game like "cops and robbers"

>>> You're welcome buddy! Mas desde já agradeço eu realmente não sei como colocar isso em inglês (Thanks in advance não me faz sentido).>>> Thanks in advance makes sense to me, an American English speaker.

Resposta enviada por Adam no Grupo de Estudos do English Experts - ... essage/461
fgsacco 2
Olá Tiago,

quanto à pergunta 6, vc pode usar desta forma: What's your name again? (o again funcionando como o 'mesmo').


Resposta enviada por Levy Carneiro Jr. no Grupo de Estudos do English Experts - ... essage/493
fgsacco 2
Tiago, thank hyou for your interesting questions. See my commensts below.

Pessoal, muito obrigado a todos que responderam!!!

People, thanks a lot to everyone for responding.

Foi muito mais do
que eu esperava, valeu mesmo!!! Só não ficou claro para mim as
questões abaixo:

It was much more that I had expected. thanks again. I was just unclear on the following questions (only the questions below were not clear to me):

4- Não entendi direito porque significa "Todos já saíram, exceto um".

I did not exactly understand why it would be "Todos já saíram, exceto um".
(Everyone already left, except for one).

Não tinha sido isso que eu tinha perguntado para ele (o Canadense...)!!

That wasn't waht I asked him (my Canadian friend).

Eu acho que ele não deve ter entendido a minha pergunta ("Do you have some
'relate' here (in Brazil)")! Somebody confirm?

I think that he must have not understood my question. Do you have any relatives [living] here in Brazil? Can [could] somebody donfirm this?

Tiago, I would guess that your Canadian friend meant that he had relatives in Brazil at one time, but that they have all left [gone back to Canada] by now.

O que ele (o canadense) pode ter entendido. Se estiver certa a resposta então então eu realmente não entendi.

What can he (the Canadian) have understood?

6- Com relação à essa questão eu queria uma expressão que desse ênfase
ao "mesmo".

In regard to this question, I wanted an expression that emphasizes it like "mesmo."

Vamos supor que eu já tenha perguntado uma coisa, por
exemplo, "Como se diz 'cabelo' em Inglês?". Aí ele me respondesse que
era 'hair'.

Let's suppose that I already had asked him something, for example, "How do you say 'cabelo' in English?" Then he would respond that it was 'hair' .

Daí, depois de um tempo, eu esquecesse, e quisesse saber
novamente a resposta para a MESMA PERGUNTA. Eu português fica melhor
se agente usasse "Como é que se diz mesmo 'cabelo' em Inglês?"

Then, after a little while, I would have forgotten, and wouldl want to know again the answer to the same question. In Portuguese it is best if we say, "How do I say 'cabelo' in english again?"

ao invés de fazer exatamente a mesma pergunta ("Como se diz 'cabelo' em inglês?"). Eu acho que a expressão "How do I say _____" é
exatamente a forma da primeira vez que eu faço a pergunta (sem a
ênfase no 'mesmo').

Instead of asking the exact same question ("Como se diz 'cabelo' em inglês?"). I think that the expression "How do I say _____" is exactly the same form as the first time that I asked the question (without the emphasis on 'mesmo.'

Então, como seria uma expressão equivalente eu
Inglês para a segunda forma?

So, what would an an equivalent expression in English for the second form?

12- Realmente era "I saw" não "I say" ... Sorry! It was actually,"I saw" not "I say" ...

16- Mas "I got you" possui um significado bem definido? Ou também
depende do contexto?

But does "I got you" have a specific (well defined) meaning? Or does it depend on the context?

Se depende do contexto, quais seriam os mais usados? If it depends on the context, what are the most used meanings?

Gotcha is an expression that means you have caught someone in a mistake or when chasing them. It is said in the game of tag (a children's game where one child tries to chase and catch the other children, who are running away from him), and which I think might be similar to bandeirinha or bandeira (I forget the exact name, and I am at the airport on my way to Brazil without a dictionary as I write this). They just called passengers to board the plane. so, I will have to close. talk to you later.

17- Era exatamente isso que eu queria! Thank you very much! This is exactly what I wanted.

19- Por exemplo: "Seja 't' uma variável e f(t) sua função

Let t be a variable and f(t) [pronounced f of t] the corresponding function.

Nesta frase, como eu escreveria a frase cima ("Seja
't' uma variável...") ??? Eu acho, depois de ver a resposta do Luís
Henrique Sacchi, que seria "Let `t' be a variable and f(t) its
correspondent function." Someone confirm?

Yes. That is correct, except corresponding is better than corespondent because correspondent is a noun while corresponding is an adjective nodifying the word 'function'.

Há, eu não me lembro aonde
eu vi que poderia ser também "Can be" (para "seja"). Alguém confirma?

Tiago, I asked my husband, a math professor, if you can say "can be" in this instance. He said that it would be understood, but it in not used in math lectures or publications. the correct form is "Let x be a variable in the function f(x), [in the corresponding function f(x)].

O Luciano Dalco finalizou as explicações escrevendo "You're welcome buddy!". Eu traduzi isso como um "Seja bem vindo!". Quer dizer, 'seja'
pode ser "You're" também!?! Me corrijam se estiver errado...

"you're welcome, Buddy" means "de nada meu amigo"

One of my Brazilian friends told me the following story. He was visiting Philadelphia. The first day he arrived, he had a lot of transactions, shopping, dining out, deaoing with transportation, the hotel, the business he was working at. Every time he said "thank you" to the person he had been dealing with, they without exception answered him "you're welcome." He was so curious how all these strangers knew that he had just arrived that day. He mistakenly interpreted "you're welcome" to mean "seja bem-vindo." But actually, all it means is "de nada" and no one was welcoming him to Philadelphia or knew that he had just arrived. so, seja id not equivalent to "you're".

Thanks (again)!!!

Resposta enviada por Mary no Grupo de Estudos do Engish Experts - ... essage/496