Posição do "only" numa frase

Alguma dessas frases esta gramaticalmente errada? existe alguma diferença de sentido entre elas?

- I only play soccer
- I play only soccer
- I play soccer only

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3 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

I´d like to know if there´s any difference in meaning of "only" in these sentences:

1. Only the waiter brought me an omelette. (Here I understand that was not the cook or the maitre)
2. The waiter brought me only an omelette.
3. The waiter brought me an omelette only.
4. The waiter only brought me an omelette.

The first states that the waiter, and no other person, brought you an omelette. It says nothing about whether he brought you other food as well.

The rest state the the waiter brought you an omelette, and nothing more. The fourth could be understood to mean the same as the first, depending on emphasis, but it would be a little unusual.
- Wordreference
então no meu caso
i only play soccer significa que eu n faço nada a não ser jogar futebol
e i play only soccer e i play soccer olnly significa que eu n jogo outro jogo a não ser futebol

é isso?
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Sua conclusão me parece boa; ela está, a meu ver, de acordo com as explicações.

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