Como dizer "Vendido" em inglês

Essa é boa hem!!!

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Como dizer por exemplo: O centroavante cabeceou a bola e o goleiro ficou "vendido" no lance.

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3 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Como dizer "vendido" em inglês:

1. Em comércio: sold
  • The car was sold. [O carro foi vendido.]
  • It's sold. [É vendido.]
2. Em esportes: beaten
  • A player kicked the ball towards the goal and the goalkeeper was beaten. [Um jogador chutou a bola para o gol e o goleiro ficou vendido.]
Bons estudos.
I would say...

The center-forward headed up the ball and the goalkeeper stayed lost
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
And also:
The center forward headed/performed a header at the goalpost and the goalie was only able to turn and watch the ball sail over and go onto the net.
...and the goalie wasn´t able to keep it from landing into the net.

And other ways.