Exercício: Texto em inglês para Iniciantes

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Tenho hoje mais um exercício para vocês.

1. Leiam o texto a seguir - Read the following text

It’s ten in the morning and Michael is sleeping. He is sleeping in a big bedroom in a hotel. His secretary is talking to his fans and answering emails. The manager is making the arrangements for Michael’s show. Outside the hotel there are people waiting to see Michael. The police is helping to control the situation. His fans are saying, “I love you Michael”. Everyone wants to go to his concert because he is the best. He is a great singer and a wonderful dancer too.The show is tonight and I won't miss it.


Sleep: dormir
Manager: gerente, empresário
Bedroom: quarto
Talk: conversar
Answer: responder
Make arrangements: fazer preparativos
Say: dizer
Outside: do lado de fora
Wait to see: esperar para ver
Miss: perder

2. Respondam as perguntas – Answer the questions

A. Where is Michael sleeping?

B. What is his secretary doing?

C. What is the manager doing?

D.What are his fans saying?

3. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Michael sings and dances. (...)
B. His fans are violent. (...)
C. Michael doesn't have a secretary. (...)
D. The show is tomorrow. (...)
Leia também:

Cf. Meh: Quais as Traduções e como Utilizar esta Expressão do Inglês

Bons estudos.
Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA
15 respostas
Ordenar por: Data
a) He is sleeping in a big bedroom in a hotel

b) His secretary is talking to his fans and answering emails

c) His manager is making the arrangements for Michael’s show

d) His fans are saying, I love you Michael

Really good exercise. Thanks!
Sou iniciante, e fiquei feliz pois consegui ler o texto sem ajuda de dicionario.
Muito bom, quero mais texto assim para praticar :D
a) He is sleeping in a big bedroom in a hotel
b)His secretary is talking to his fans and asnwering emails
c) The manager is making arrangements for Michael's show
d)His fans are saying: "i love you, Michael!"

a) True
b) False
c) False
d) False
A) It's sleeping in a bedrhome of the hotel

B) He is talking to his fans and answering smails

C) He is marking arrangements for Michael's Show.

D) " I love you Michael "
Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
Hallo! Ótimo exercício, também sou iniciante e fiquei surpreso com meu entendimento do texto. Ficarei de olho para outros exercícios!
2. Respondam as perguntas – Answer the questions

a. Where is Michael sleeping?
is sleeping in a big bedroom in a hotel

b. What is his secretary doing?
The secretary is talking to his fans and answering emails

c. What is the manager doing?
The making the arrangements for Michael’s show

d.What are his fans saying?
I love you Michael

3. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

a. Michael sings and dances. (True)
b. His fans are violent. (False)
c. Michael doesn't have a secretary. (False)
d. The show is tomorrow. (False)
Conseguir ler o texto sem ajuda foi uma sensação maravilhosa que senti. Também acertei as questões. I"m happy a lot!!!
Texto maravilhoso , por ser iniciante consegui ler entender tudo referente a pronuncia english acertei 90% achei muito legal
2. A) In a big bedroom of hotel.
B) It's talking to his fans and answering emails.
C) It's making the arrangements for Michael’s show.
D) "I love you Michael”

3. A) True
B) False
C) False
D) False
Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
2. Respondam as perguntas – Answer the questions

A. Where is Michael sleeping?
R= In a big bedroom in a hotel

B. What is his secretary doing?
R= His secretary is talking to his fans and answering emails

C. What is the manager doing?
R= he manager is making the arrangements for Michael’s show

D.What are his fans saying?
R= I love you Michael

3. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Michael sings and dances. (True)
B. His fans are violent. (False)
C. Michael doesn't have a secretary. (False)
D. The show is tomorrow. (False)
J Valentim Santos escreveu:A)It's sleeping in a bedrhome of the hotel"
"It" pode ser ofensivo, pois deu ideia de que ele é um "objeto?" .
2. Respondam as perguntas – Answer the questions

A. Where is Michael sleeping?
In a big bedroom in a hotel

B. What is his secretary doing?
She is talking to his fans and answering emails

C. What is the manager doing?
He is making the arrangements for Michael's show

D.What are his fans saying?
“I love you Michel”

3. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Michael sings and dances. (…) true
B. His fans are violent. (…) false
C. Michael doesn't have a secretary. (…) false
D. The show is tomorrow. (…) false
A. Where is Michael sleeping?

He is sleeping in a big bedroom in a hotel.

B. What is his secretary doing?
His secretary is talking to his fans and answering emails.…

C. What is the manager doing?
The manager is making the arrangements for Michael’s show.

D.What are his fans saying?

A) He is sleeping in a big bedroom in a hotel.

B)His secretary is talking to his fans and answering emails.

C)The manager is making the arrangements for Michael’s show.

D)"I love you Michael".

A) True
B) False
C) False
D) False