Exercício: There was x there were - Inglês

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
1. Reescrevam as sentenças usando "there was" e "there were" corretamente.

A. There is a shopping mall near his house.

B. There is a white cat on the table.

C. There are great people where I live.

D. There are many places to visit.

2. Passem as sentenças a seguir para as formas negativa e interrogativa.

A. There was a teacher here.

B. There were people talking in the house.
Bons estudos!
Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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1. Reescrevam as sentenças usando "there was" e "there were" corretamente.

a. There is a shopping mall near his house.
There was a shopping mall near his house.

b. There is a white cat on the table.
There was a white cat on the table.

c. There are great people where I live.
There were great people where I live.

d. There are many places to visit.
There were many places to visit.

2. Passem as sentenças a seguir para as formas negativa e interrogativa.

a. There was a teacher here.
There was not (wasn't) a teacher here.___________________________________________
Was there a teacher here?

b. There were people talking in the house.
There were not (weren't) people talking in the house.___________________________________________
Were there people talking in the house?

My answers are in boldface. Please, if I made a mistake, can you correct me? :D
Thank you! :D
There is a car in front of the house - (There was a car in front of the house)
(Há um carro em frente à casa) (Havia um carro em frente à casa)

There is a man talking to a woman - (There was a man talking to a woman)
(Há um homen conversando com uma mulher) (Havia um homem conversando com uma mulher)

There are three boys playing in the park - (There were three boys playing in the park)
(Há três garotos brincando no parque) - (Haviam três garotos brincando no parque)

There are two people walking on the street - (There were two people walking on the atreet)
(Há duas pessoas andando na rua) - (Haviam duas pessoas andando na rua)

Tudo que é IS(Verbo TO BE) vira WAS no passado EX: He is- Ele é (He was)- Ele era

Tudo que é ARE(Verbo TO BE) vira were no passado EX: You are-Você é (You were)- Você era

Isso é regra do verbo TO BE, simples não tem como errar!
Donay Mendonça escreveu:Pessoal,

1. Reescrevam as sentenças usando "there was" e "there were" corretamente.

A. There is a shopping mall near his house.
_There was a shopping mall near his house._

B. There is a white cat on the table.
_There was a white cat on the table._

C. There are great people where I live.
_There_were great people where I live._

D. There are many places to visit.
_There were many places to visit._

2. Passem as sentenças a seguir para as formas negativa e interrogativa.

A. There was a teacher here.
There wans t a teacher here._

B. There were people talking in the house.
There weren t people talking in the house._

Bons estudos!