Como dizer "que uma pessoa é muda" em inglês

Eu gostaria de saber como dizer que uma pessoa é muda em inglês.

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He/She is mute.

Many years ago, a mute was called "dumb". Obviously, this was a problem because "dumb" also meant stupid. Today it is considered very bad manners to say "deaf and dumb" instead of "deaf and mute". Most deaf people are not mute. They cannot hear, but they can learn to speak with therapy.
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7 48
Há 2 formas mais usuais: dumb e speechless
Ex: He was born deaf, dumb and blind.
Ex2: She was speechless with anxiety.

Espero ter ajudado!
23 127 1.7k
Uma opção ainda mais eufêmica para dizer que uma pessoa é muda em inglês é speech-impaired.

Do Wordreference - USA:
We “mute” the sound on our TV’s and telephones. Normally talkative persons might become “mute” with fear or amazement. But speech-impaired persons find the label “mute” offensive, tacky and inaccurate. Complete aphasia, “muteness,” that is, the inability to create any vocal sounds whatsoever due to both sensory and motor failure, is extremely rare, and most of us are unlikely to encounter the condition in the course of our daily lives. The term "dumb" is NOT an informal synonym for speech-impaired, and its use in this context would reflect sheer ignorance on the part of the user.
Bons estudos.