Questões de nivelamento em inglês

4.What ___ the weather ___ in 2060 in Brazil?
a. is - going to be like b. will - be like c. is - going to be d. will - be

6. By the time the police arrived, the thief ____.
a. has gone b. will have gone c. had gone d. was going

7. It's ____.
a. a building modern and ugly b. a modern ugly building c. a building ugly and modern d. an ugly modern building

10. Robert is sorry now that he didn't accept the job. Robert now wishes he _______ it.
a. would accept b. has accepted c. had accepted d. accepts

11. Susan is sorry now that she didn't sell her car when she had the chance. Susan now wishes she _______ her car.
a. would sell b. would have sold c. had sold d. sells

12. What do you think _______ if you _______ out of the car?
a. would have happened - haven't jumped b. would happen - didn't jump
c. would have happened - hadn't jumped d. would happen - hadn't jumped

16. I'm overweight. I wish _______.
a. I were slimmer b. I wouldn't be fat c. I don't eat so much d. can go on a diet

18. Indique a opção cujo significado melhor se assemelha à frase: "People say the president is corrupt."
a. The President is told to be corrupt. b. The President is said to be corrupt.
c. The President was said to be corrupt. d. The President was told to be corrupt.

19. "Are you going to Sarah's party tonight?"
"I'm afraid not. Actually I know her _______, but have never been introduced."
a. at a glance b. by sight c. at long last d. by all means

21. "Here you are. I hope you like them."
"They're beautiful, thank you, but you _______."
a. can't have b. mustn't have c. oughtn't have d. shouldn't have

23. Living in the country is really different. At first I found it strange, everything seemed so slow, but now I think _______ birds singing in the morning.
a. I'm used to hear b. I'm getting used to hear c. I'm used to hearing d. I get used to hearing

24. I hate jazz but _______.
a. I like very much rock and techno b. I like rock and techno very much
c. I've very much liked rock and techno d. I like rock very much and techno

26. Peter didn't eat anything. He _______ hungry.
a. can't be b. can't have been c. couldn't be d. couldn't have been

30. Indique a opção com a frase que melhor se assemelha à: "I remember I didn't use to enjoy going to the cinema on my own. Nowadays I don't mind it.”
a. I never enjoyed going to the cinema on my own. b. I have never gone to the cinema on my own.
c. I had never enjoyed going to the cinema on my own. d. I never went to the cinema on my own.

Minhas respostas foram: 4a 6c 7d 10c 11b 12a 16b 18a 19a 21d 23b 24b 26a 30c. Estão corretas?

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
8 respostas
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Thomas 7 62 297
Posso saber de onde vem esta prova? Algumas frases me parecem BrEng. As regras gramiticais do BrEng e do AmEng são diferentes para o uso do condicional. E algumas frases me parecem mal escritas (a pergunta #26, por exemplo). Este tipo de prova se chama em inglês "multiple guess". rsrsrs
é verdade, tb achei isso em relação a #26. é uma dessas provas de escolas particulares q tem nivelamento online
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Minhas sugestões:

4.What ___ the weather ___ in 2060 in Brazil?
a. is - going to be like b. will - be like c. is - going to be d. will - be

6. By the time the police arrived, the thief ____.
a. has gone b. will have gone c. had gone d. was going

7. It's ____.
a. a building modern and ugly b. a modern ugly building c. a building ugly and modern d. an ugly modern building

10. Robert is sorry now that he didn't accept the job. Robert now wishes he _______ it.
a. would accept b. has accepted c. had accepted d. accepts

11. Susan is sorry now that she didn't sell her car when she had the chance. Susan now wishes she _______ her car.
a. would sell b. would have sold c. had sold d. sells

12. What do you think _______ if you _______ out of the car?
a. would have happened - haven't jumped b. would happen - didn't jump
c. would have happened - hadn't jumped d. would happen - hadn't jumped

16. I'm overweight. I wish _______.
a. I were slimmer b. I wouldn't be fat c. I don't eat so much d. can go on a diet

18. Indique a opção cujo significado melhor se assemelha à frase: "People say the president is corrupt."
a. The President is told to be corrupt. b. The President is said to be corrupt.
c. The President was said to be corrupt. d. The President was told to be corrupt.

19. "Are you going to Sarah's party tonight?"
"I'm afraid not. Actually I know her _______, but have never been introduced."
a. at a glance b. by sight c. at long last d. by all means

21. "Here you are. I hope you like them."
"They're beautiful, thank you, but you _______."
a. can't have b. mustn't have c. oughtn't have d. shouldn't have

23. Living in the country is really different. At first I found it strange, everything seemed so slow, but now I think _______ birds singing in the morning.
a. I'm used to hear b. I'm getting used to hear c. I'm used to hearing d. I get used to hearing

24. I hate jazz but _______.
a. I like very much rock and techno b. I like rock and techno very much
c. I've very much liked rock and techno d. I like rock very much and techno

26. Peter didn't eat anything. He _______ hungry.
a. can't be b. can't have been c. couldn't be d. couldn't have been

30. Indique a opção com a frase que melhor se assemelha à: "I remember I didn't use to enjoy going to the cinema on my own. Nowadays I don't mind it.”
a. I never enjoyed going to the cinema on my own. b. I have never gone to the cinema on my own.
c. I had never enjoyed going to the cinema on my own. d. I never went to the cinema on my own.

Concordo 100% com o que o Thomas disse.
donay, I don't get why you answered letter C on question 23. I thought it should be letter A. May you explain it?
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
23. Living in the country is really different. At first I found it strange, everything seemed so slow, but now I think _______ birds singing in the morning.
a. I'm used to hear b. I'm getting used to hear c. I'm used to hearing d. I get used to hearing

A expressão "be used to" é usada com o verbo seguinte acrescido de "ING".

I'm used to hearing
You're used to studying
They are used to going

Bons estudos!
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
Thomas 7 62 297
16. I'm overweight. I wish _______.
a. I were slimmer b. I wouldn't be fat c. I don't eat so much d. can go on a diet

I don't like any of the answers! (a) I'm overweight and, by definition, not slim To be slimmer, wouldn't I have to be slim first? (b) I could go with "I weren't fat". (c) Change "don't" to "didn't", and I'll vote for this one. (d) Change "can" to "could", and I'd like this answer.

26. Peter didn't eat anything. He _______ hungry.
a. can't be b. can't have been c. couldn't be d. couldn't have been

I don't like any of these answers either! There is no connection between not being hungry and not eating. Peter could have been hungry but ill, hungry but in a hurry, hungry but on a diet, hungry but he did not like the food, hungry but allergic to the food, hungry but not invited to eat, etc. Also note that nothing is said about when Peter was around food. Was it last week? A minute ago? That would have a bearing on the answers to A, C, and D. (a) "He can't be hungry?" Of course he can be hungry! If he is still here, go ask him. (b) Wrong tense. (3) "He couldn't be hungry?" Of course he could be hungry! Go ask him if he would like to eat something. (4) "He couldn't have been hungry"? Yes, he could have. You should have asked him while he was here.
ok, thomas e donay! tks a lot!
30 nao seria I had never enjoyed going to the cinema on my own ?