Como dizer "Mandar no pedaço" em inglês

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Português: mandar no pedaço
Inglês: rule the roost: to be the most powerful person who makes all the decisions in a group. - Thefreedictionary

"Bieber pode até ser o ídolo de milhões de adolescentes no mundo inteiro, mas sua mãe, Pattie Mallette, ainda é quem manda no pedaço."

  1. It was my mother who ruled the roost at home.
  2. Ultimately, men still rule the roost and make more money.
  3. Liverpool ruled the roost in English football for a decade.

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2 respostas
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Telma Regina 9 65 608
Mais uma maneira de dizer "mandar no pedaço":
"You're on my patch, get off" - Aqui quem manda sou eu
There's also the expression "Call the shots"

call the shots : to be in charge or control of something

Who's the one who calls the shots around here?
he secretary called the shots all through the meeting
I call the shots here!

Learner's Dictionary

C.f. Como dizer "Mandar e desmandar" em inglês