Como dizer "Estar num sufoco muito grande" em inglês

Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
Ela está num sufoco muito grande. Deve muito dinheiro, está desempregada e seu filho está hospitalizado.

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Maybe, you could say:

I'm up the creek without a paddle (estou num mato sem cachorro)

If you are in dangerous situation, you can say:

I'm in the belly of the beast
I'm in hot water
I'm in the dog house
Uma possibilidade: "She's been through a lot of problems: she has many debts, she's unemployed and her son is in hospital."
Thomas 7 62 297
to be in a bind
to be in a fix
to be in a tight spot
A simple way is just to say "in a really bad spot" or "going through a really bad time."