Como dizer "mar de rosas" em inglês

Alessandro 3 13 98
Português: mar de rosas
Inglês: a bed of roses ou na negativa (Not a bed of roses)

  1. It hasn't exactly been a bed of roses for either of us.
  2. Even before he became sick, however, his life was no bed of roses.
  3. Our life hasn't been a bed of roses.
Termo citado também em:

Expressões utilizadas pelos Americanos II
Phrasal Verb: Gun down
Ampliando o Vocabulário: BED

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
5 respostas
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Daniel.S 1 2 11
Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Eu tenho o sério problema de escutar/ler algumas expressões em inglês e começar a... cantar :)

Would you join me in singing Bed of Roses?

felipeh6 7 58
Flavia.lm escreveu:Eu tenho o sério problema de escutar/ler algumas expressões em inglês e começar a... cantar :)

Would you join me in singing Bed of Roses?
Hi Flavia,

Sometimes I have the same problem. :o

Believe me, I've thought exactly the same thing, I mean, the song Bed of Roses by Bon Jovi. :lol:
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Tudo está um mar de rosas.
Everything's coming up roses.

Explicações e exemplos adicionais retirados do Thefreedictionary:

Everything's coming up roses.

Fig. Everything is really just excellent. Life is prosperous. Life is wonderful. Everything is coming up roses.

- Q: How are things going? A: Everything's coming up roses
- Everything's coming up roses for George at the moment - he's been promoted at work and he's just got engaged.

Bons estudos!
"Bed of roses" or "coming up roses" would be "Smooth sailing", as an easy, quiet, still and good life, a life without problems for a while.
E.g.: When Jack and Milla got married, their life was a smooth sailing.