Como dizer "Uma mão lava a outra" em inglês

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Aprenda a dizer uma mão lava a outra em inglês. Leia este artigo e aumente ainda mais as suas habilidades e o seu conhecimento no idioma. Fique por dentro do assunto.

You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. [Uma mão lava a outra.]

Mais exemplos para você treinar a leitura e a pronúncia.
  • I'll grab the box on the top shelf if you will creep under the table and pick up my pen. You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.
  • You know what I’m asking for is not so bad, if you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. Think about it.
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4 respostas
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Jerry Dorien 4 48
Outra opção comum para se dizer isso em inglês é:

One good turn deserves another. [Uma mão lava a outra.]

Mais exemplos de uso:
  • You were a lifesaver for us when we needed a babysitter last week, so I'm happy to help now—one good turn deserves another, after all.
  • Mary: Thanks for the ride. John: It's the least I can do after you helped me wash the car last week. One good turn deserves another.
Bons estudos.
Breckenfeld 3 15 131
Another suggestion:

One hand washes the other.

Source: Nbc's The Blacklist, season 2, Episode 06 (The Mombasa Cartel)

jorgeluiz 1 6 92
you watch my back, I watch yours .

Zumstein 1 31 435
Uma mão lava a outra e as duas lavam o rosto.
One hand washes the other, both wash the face.

People who help each other can achieve more, as opposed to someone by himself trying to accomplish the same goal.