Como dizer "Colocar contra a parede" em inglês

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Aprenda a dizer "colocar alguém contra a parede" em inglês, no sentido de deixar em uma situação difícil. Amplie seus conhecimentos.

On the spot: in a difficult or dangerous position or situation. (merriam-webster)

Exemplos de uso:
  • She put him on the spot that night.
  • Ela o colocou contra a parede naquela noite.
  • The question put me on the spot.
  • A pergunta me colocou contra a parede.
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Nesse caso eu diria...

E.g: I put Jessica against the wall.

Daniel.S 1 2 11
Hi guys,

Both expressions are useful. Indeed, each one of them may be more suitable for distinct occasions.

When you put someone on the spot it means that he/she is being highlighted for being adressed a tough question like Donay has mentioned. It means that all attention has been drawn to the person.

Put someone against the wall is like pressuring someone in order to get something.

Take care,
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Outros exemplos:

Don't put me on the spot. I can't give you an instant answer.
The boss put Bob on the spot and demanded that he do everything he had promised.

Bons estudos.
I think : With back against thhe wall, sounds great!!
Winnie 2 20
To be put on the spot means to be put in the "spot light" unprepared. For example, if someone asks you to give a speech at a dinner by surprise.

For example: employee to boss: "Why did you put me on the spot last night at the dinner? I really wasn't expecting to be called to give a speech and hadn't prepared anything."

To be put up against the wall means to put undue pressure on someone.

For example,

Some people can't take no for an answer and will try to put you up against the wall.

Don't ever push a supplier so much that he feels like he's being put up against a wall.

Supplier: "I don't want to do business anymore with that company because they put me up against the wall with their demands and now I'm losing money on them."
A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
felipeh6 7 58
Hello there,

Another suggestion:

"paint oneself into a corner"

- colocar uma pessoa "contra a parede"; deixar sem alternativas, sem opções; criar uma situação difícil e/ou constrangedora pra alguém. ... o_a_corner

Best regards.
To corner, to put against a wall.