Pronúncia: "Since you", "Once you", "As you"

Hi there!

I've been listening to english lately and I've noticed a thing. When americans say things like: "Since you", "Once you", "As you"; It seems to me that the sounds become: "sinTCHyou", "onTCHyou" and "aSHyou". Actually I can't say exactly what it sounds when it comes to "as you", but it's as if the "s" becomes a "sh" or something like that. This happens when they're speaking fast.

Am I wrong? Do they say it like that? If someone could explain this to me and maybe send me an audio file with the pronunciations I'd be really happy. I can understand when americans speak these words, but I just want to speak just like them.

Thank you so much!

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I talked to an american in a international game that I play and he told me the following:

"It depends on your accent. I wouldn't say it like that but I think that people from Boston say it. If you want to sound well educated, don't say such a thing."

If someone knows something about it please share with us!
That's a great question. I was thinking about it a few days a go.
Well, Beyoncé says "I misshu" in her song, I miss you. And I've heard native speakers - at least from the US - pronouncing this way quite a lot.
I've never asked a native speaker about this, so John's contribution may be more reliable, although I believe it's a matter of accent, and not about sounding educated or not.
These kind of statements always make remember about a topic I enjoy a lot, which has changed me a lot, which is: linguistic prejudice.
John, I've noticed the same thing before, but, at least to my ears, it sounds more like "SH" then "TCH"(in the cases of "since you" and "once you"), but I totally get what you're saying.
In the case of "as you" I'd say the "s" sounds like the "s" in the word "Asian".
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Não, eu não diria que essa pronúncia é comum de americano. É o seu "ouvido" português que ainda não discerne diferenças sútis do inglês oral -- sons e combinações de sons que não existem exatamente em português, então você faz a sua melhor aproximação -- mas não é "exatamente" o som que o americano está produzindo. Com o tempo, o seu ouvido "aprende" a distinguir, e com mais tempo, aprende a reproduzir fielmente o som.
eh normal o som de s quando encontra o som de y virar sh, o z quando encontra o y vira som de j (em portugues), t quando encontra y, pode virar tch, e d quando encontra y pode virar dj (j em ingles, tipo john). isso depende do sotaque da pessoa, na australia por exemplo tem muita gente que fala youtchube ao inves de youtube pq o som do T encontra com o som de Y (eles nao tem yod-dropping). nos eua youtube eh youtube pq eles nao pronunciam o som de y em youtube (tipo tube pode soar como tyub em alguns sotaques). Na wikipedia vc pode ver tudo de sotaques e tbm nesse site.