Correção de texto: How to choose a major

How to choose a major

Choosing a major is one of the most difficult task when you are looking to an upper reaches. In my opinion, the first thing you have to do is to choose the area. For example, If you are very good in biology, so biological sciences could be your area. Next, try to think what do you like to do or love to have contact. For example, if you like animals, you can take Husbandry, Veterinary Medicine, etc. Finally, if even there are doubts, try to choose the which one you have more conditions to be accepted or the which one offers better job condition after you get a degree.

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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Excellent editing. I would make only some minor changes:
Sypher escreveu:Choosing a major is one of the most difficult tasks when you are deciding about your academic future. In my opinion, the first thing you need to do is to find figure out the sphrere of knowledge that most catches your attention. For example, if you are very good in biology, then biological sciences could be your area. Next, try to think what do it is you like to do or love to have contact with. For example, if you like animals, you can take Husbandry, Veterinary Medicine, etc. Finally, if you still have doubts, try to choose the course in which you have more conditions to be accepted after an admission entrance exam, or the one that offers the best job opportunities after you get the degree.
--The expression "major degree" would be unusual. The degree is a B.A., a B.Sc., etc., or an undergraduate degree, with a major in xxx, and a minor in yyy, for example. But we don't speak of a "minor degree", or of a "major degree."

--Try to avoid sounding as if you're asking a question in the mddle of a sentence which is not a question. Instead of

"...try to think what do you like...,"

Try to think what it is you like...

--Esse uso de "have conditions" soa muito como português. Em português, "ter condições" -- os meios, a capacidade. Em inglês, eu preferiria "in which you are more likely to be accepted".
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
1 1 24
Choosing a major degree is one of the most difficult tasks when you are deciding about your academic future. In my opinion, the first thing you need to is to find out the sphrere of knowledge that most catches your attention. For example, if you are very good in biology, then biological sciences could be your area. Next, try to think what do you like to do or love to have contact with. For example, if you like animals, you can take Husbandry, Veterinary Medicine, etc. Finally, if you still have doubts, try to choose the course in which you have more conditions to be accepted after an admission entrance exam, or the one that offers the best job opportunities after you get the degree.