On such a high anyway... - Tradução em português

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Speaking to the US cable network CNN's correspondent Max Foster, a relaxed Prince William, 31, admitted that having his newborn thrust into the spotlight before the media's massed ranks, just hours after his birth, was perhaps not something he would have chosen.
"It's not somewhere I enjoy being. I know that the position I'm in, that's what's required of me," he said. But he added that he and the Duchess of Cambridge were "on such a high anyway" that they were happy "to show him off to whoever wanted to see him".

Por favor, traduzir, as partes em negrito. Obrigado.

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Sugestão para a tradução (no contexto):

"... Prince William, 31, admitted that having his newborn thrust into the spotlight before the media's massed ranks, just hours after his birth, was perhaps not something he would have chosen."
... Príncipe William, 31, admitiu que trazer seu filho recém nascido ao centro das atenções perante um grande grupo da mídia, algumas horas após seu nascimento, talvez não era algo que ele faria.

"... he and the Duchess of Cambridge were "on such a high anyway" that they were happy "to show him off to whoever wanted to see him"."
... ele e a Duquesa de Cambridge estavam de qualquer forma tão contentes que não se importavam em exibi-lo para quem quer que quisesse vê-lo.
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1 6 92
Só como adendo temos High on booze= bem bêbado

high on drugs = bem drogado

7 62 297
It can be something "estar numa boa". You can be in a very good mood, something quite unrelated to drugs, alcohol, etc. Imagine, the Prince has a baby! Wouldn't make anyone very happy?