Como dizer "você tocou na tecla certa" em inglês

Amigos e helpers.
Se uma pessoa me fala de um assunto que é o que eu queria, eu digo: "você tocou no assunto certo, ou na tecla certa".

Eu li aquela outra que está já está respondida: " you hit the bull's eye" , mas acho que o meu contexto é um pouco diferente.



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4 respostas
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Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Você quer mais do que "hit the nail on the head"?
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

You're quite correct.
I totally agree with you.
You have a point.

Bons estudos. Compartilhe.
Thomas 7 62 297
If I say exactly the right thing to anger or insult you,
I have pushed your button, or
I have pushed the right button.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Also (in different contexts here):

That is/that was exactly what I was looking for.
That is/that was exactly what I was wishing to talk about.
That is/that was exactly what I wanted to talk about.
That is/that was exactly what I wanted to know.
That is/that was exactly what I needed.
That is precisely what we wanted, indeed.
We had just tought of doing that/of that.
You just said what I had tought of doing/saying.
This is basically what I tought.
I completely agree with that.
You said! (falou e disse!)
That´s right.
That´s quite right.
You (have just) read my mind.

And so on, and on.