Hurl - Tradução em português

MarcosV 1
We hurl abuse at you, and all you do is reply with beautiful words!
Once the object is in your grasp you can hurl it at an enemy.
Verbal abuse is hurled at some of our fellow citizens.

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4 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
We shout abuse at you/insult you/swear at you (in an angry manner).
Thomas 7 62 297
to hurl = jogar, (em giria: vomitar)

He hurled the ball to me.
She hurled upon leaving the party.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Nice imagery, this reminded me of the slangy word "vomitar" used in Rio, for "saying it all" That is saying everything that one knows (spilling the beans) about something, or even "getting it off one´s chest." in a way (generally a boss taking it out on the employees/subordinates etc). By saying all unpleasant things he pleases, or issuing orders all over the place.
Thomas 7 62 297
To toss your cookies
To upchuck ("Chuck" is a cowboy word for "food")
To give up your breakfast/lunch
To salute the porcelain goddess