Como dizer "Do boi só se perde o berro" em inglês

Zumstein 1 31 435
Em inglês: - The cattle flesh is a part of man's daily food; their milk, cream, butter, and cheese are on most tables; their hides go to make leather, and their hair for plaster; their hoofs are used for glue, and their bones for fertilizers, ornaments, buttons, and many other purposes.

Como poderiamos dizer "do boi só se perde o berro" ou "do boi só não se aproveita o berro" em inglês?

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1 resposta
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
My take:
There is nearly no waste in the oxen, except the mooing/bellowing.
Of the ox/in the ox industry nearly everything is profitable but the mooing/bellowing.

*creations of mine, I would like the opinion of natives or advanced learners on that. So, to me it´s a right way of saying that, for the time being.

I must admit, it was a very creative (read unexpected) question! ;)