Widespread time skewing - Tradução em português

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[...] Some time later, Dylan awakes in an unknown area. The blonde girl returns, leading him into a large base complex deep in the jungle. Once inside, she plays a hologram of an army colonel who explains the truth of the disaster. Widespread time skewing was carried out in the future to study dinosaurs, with disastrous results. When it became clear dinosaurs and humans could not coexist, the military enacted the Noah's Ark Plan: they would transport the dinosaurs far into the future, before sending them back to the Cretaceous once the technology was perfected. [...]

Hey guys, I couldn't understand the bold part above, what does that mean?

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6 14 102
[...] Some time later, Dylan awakes in an unknown area. The blonde girl returns, leading him into a large base complex deep in the jungle. Once inside, she plays a hologram of an army colonel who explains the truth of the disaster. Widespread time skewing was carried out in the future to study dinosaurs, with disastrous results. When it became clear dinosaurs and humans could not coexist, the military enacted the Noah's Ark Plan: they would transport the dinosaurs far into the future, before sending them back to the Cretaceous once the technology was perfected. [...]
My attempt to translate the thread:
Algum tempo depois, Dylan acorda em uma área desconhecida. A garota loira retorna, guiando-o para uma grande base posicionada profundamente na floresta. Uma vez lá dentro, ela exibe um holograma de um coronel do exército, que lhe explica a verdade sobre o desastre. Distorções generalizadas no tempo foram executadas no futuro para se estudar dinossauros, com resultados desastrosos. Quando se tornou claro que dinossauros e seres humanos não poderiam coexistir, o exército instaurou o Plano Arca de Noé: eles transportariam os dinossauros para o futuro distante, antes de enviá-los de volta ao Cretáceo, assim que a tecnologia fosse aperfeiçoada [...]
Someone else might have some better ideas; translating sci-fi content may be quite challenging.

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1 2 14
Thank you very much ! :)
That's a nice translation, I understood everything except for the bold part, though :D
That's a Wikipedia article about Dino Crisis 2!
6 14 102
Is it? Man, I love that game! :D
1 2 14
Yep. õ/
So do I.