Qual pronome usar para Humanity?

Quando for escrever uma frase em que várias vezes se faz referência a humanidade (humanity), qual o pronome mais adequado para se referir a este termo? Seria o pronome "they"?

Exemplo: A humanidade criou muitas coisas, mas nem todas as coisas que foram criadas por (ela) são boas.
Aqui por ser em português a humanidade pode ser tratada por "ela", mas em inglês como fica?

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4 respostas
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Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Eu empregaria "it", pois vejo "humanity" como coletivo.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
One way to say that...

A humanidade criou muitas coisas, mas nem todas as coisas que foram criadas por (ela) são boas.
The humanity has created a lot of things, but not all of its creation are good.
The humanity has created a lot of things, but its creations are not always good.
Juliana Rios 24 105 397
It might be worthwhile to note that the word "humanity" does not take the definite article. I would agree that, as a collective noun, it should be treated as a singular entity. The same sort of logic applies to "mankind".

"Humanity has created many things - not all good".
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Not always, if we are talking about a specific humanity, such as ''The humanity of Christ/crimes against the humanity (crimes against humanity is also possible, but they may refer to the given population at the time the regulations were being made).
Or, as in the second link, "the humanity" as a given group, the society of a given time.

So, to my thinking in an essay one could use the word humanity in a general way, and the humanity if referring to a, say, society of a given century (or span of some centuries, a certain age/era etc). It goes with what the author want to say.

But I agree that at first, one should not use the and humanity in the same sentence.
Context is the name of the game here.


http://charleseisenstein.net/a-world-cr ... -of-truth/
The first of these world-creating stories is the Story of Ascent. It is our story of the people. It says the humanity has risen from a state of nature, a state of scientific ignorance and technological impotence, to becoming nature’s lords and masters.