"ON" or "ON TOP OF"

"Encontrei uma caneta vermelha em cima do livro" would be "I found a red pen ON the book" or "I found a red pen ON TOP OF the book" ? What about " I've found a red pen ......." is it possible??

Thanks in advance.

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6 14 102
A meu ver, poderia ter sido utilizado o present perfect, uma vez que a ação poderia ter acontecido segundos antes:
Exemplo: 'I have (just) found a red pen, is it yours?'

Entretanto, eu discordo do uso da expressão 'on top of'. Ela possui poderosos sentidos conotativos, conforme nos diz o 'The Free Dictionary':
on top of something:
[1] [fig] up-to-date on something; knowing about the current state of something.
[2] [fig] in addition to something.
[3] [fig] victorious over something; famous or notorious for something.
Retrieved from: < http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/on+top+of >
Portanto, uma vez que o uso que você procura é totalmente denotativo, se eu estivesse em seu lugar - e dependendo do contexto -, eu diria: 'I [have] found a red pen inside/on/under/near that book'.

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6 49 1.3k
I found a pen. Since you can´t continue finding it.
On top of means essentially "in the highest part or place", you even could use it in the sentence (not grammarly wrong) but it would sound a bit stilted (too formal or not smooth and natural.)
6 49 1.3k
According to Cambridge Dictionary´s examples, it can be used:

There were flags on the tops of many of the buildings.
There was a pile of books on top of (= on) the table.

Of course, in the initial example it woul be deemed a bit stilted, though.
6 14 102
Sim, foi exatamente o que eu quis dizer. O sentido conotativo da expressão é tão mais relevante e poderoso que eu não recomendaria seu uso em um contexto denotativo. Tanto é assim que o próprio Cambridge Dictionary define em sua primeira e mais relevante acepção:
to be on top of something = to be able to control a situation or deal with it.
Retrieved from: < http://dictionary.cambridge.org/diction ... top-of-sth >
6 49 1.3k
Yep, now I see! thanks for sharing your view. We came then to the same outcome by different paths.
Great minds think alike. :lol:
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About the Present Perfect usage, I thought we use it when not specifying what time the action happened: "I've found a red pen .." different from Past Simple: "I found a red pen yesterday, today, few minutes ago" is it right? Help please :)
1 24 214
You got that straight.