Exercício Inglês: Gramática Ensino Fundamental Ensino Médio

1. Pepe (is going to go to / is going to) Rio next weekend.
2. We have very (few / little) money.
3. He is the best doctor (who / that) I know.
4. Are you sure you (will have / Will have done) your homework before I arrive?
5. The car went (past / into) the drugstore and turned left.
6. Aline told Joaquim (to go to bed immediately / he would go to bed).

Guys I need help with these questions. If something sounds weird for you comment about that becouse some of them are strange for me.

Thanks in advice.

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
4 respostas
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1. Pepe is going to Rio next weekend.
2. We have very little money.
3. He is the best doctor that I know.
4. Are you sure you will have done your homework before I arrive?
5. The car went past the drugstore and turned left.
6. Aline told Joaquim to go to bed immediately.

Espero ter ajudado.
Thank you man. I'm just concerned about the book's answers because it says that number 1 the correct option is "is going to go to" and number 4 the correct one is "will have" without DONE. I thought it weird, that's why asked here. Thanks anyway.
Jorgge Amadeus escreveu:Thank you man. I'm just concerned about the book's answers because it says that number 1 the correct option is "is going to go to" and number 4 the correct one is "will have" without DONE. I thought it weird, that's why asked here. Thanks anyway.
Oh, your book is correct about the first one. I'm sorry about my mistake.
Even though we may hear the sentence Pepe is going to Rio next weekend in colloquial speech, Pepe is going to go to Rio next weekend is the grammatically correct one, because we need the main verb after going to.

For example:
I'm going to talk to her tomorrow.
He's going to wash his car
Bruce is going to go to Lisbon next week.

Sorry about that again. :?

As for the fourth one I still can't see why Are you sure you will have done your homework before I arrive? is wrong.
Man, thanks for correcting your point of view about number one. Now, about number 4 .. maybe there's a mistake with the book, I do not now. Because it does not make too much sense for me the sentence Are you sure you WILL HAVE your homework before I arrive? comparing with the another one Are you sure you WILL HAVE DONE your homework before I arrive?