Como dizer "trava alçapão" em Inglês

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Como dizer "trava alçapão" em Inglês?

By the way, a trava alçapão é uma espécie de dobradiça que trava para, por exemplo, não deixar uma porta "correr", como por exemplo, quando a gente abre a porta do carro e ela dá aquela travadinha(alguns dizem "desnucada") justamente pra porta não "correr". :mrgreen:

O mais próximo que achei é latch trapdoor. Seria isso mesmo ou alguém tem uma sugestão melhor?

Thanks in advance.

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As for car door mechanisms, you may want to know about "door brakes" or "stays".

Vehicle doors often include brakes, or 'stays', that slow the door down just before it closes, and also prevent the door opening further than its design specification. (and prevent it of trying to "eat" your leg, when you are going out of your car!)


The current trend is to have a three-stage door brake.

(I would say in Brazil, right now, it´s the two-stage door brake.
It´s my "feeling", though. Don´t know about imported models or more expensive ones as well).
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In American English we might refer to this as a door stop. (Although there are no door stops for car doors, maybe I misunderstood)

American homes have door stops on all the walls opposite the door knobs or in the base boards opposite the doors to protect the wall from being damaged by the door knob when a person pushes open the door with more force than is necessary.