Como dizer "Dar um lance" em inglês

Breckenfeld 3 15 131
dar lance: Exibir, acidentalmente ou não, uma parte "inconveniente" do corpo.

My suggestion : To flash. ... p=trending


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3 respostas
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Henry Army 3 10 50
Não sei se entendi direito, mas quando ouço essa expressão "dar um lance" penso em um leilão, se for este o caso o correspondente em Inglês é: To make a bid .
Breckenfeld 3 15 131, você está certo.

Na verdade o tópico é Dar lance, o "um" foi por engano.


PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Not only flash, but it have to be "flash [something], in some gossip magazines you could see headlines like:

Miss Nebraska accidentally flashes (her) underwear/crotch (less polite, maybe) etc...

So, one flashes some flesh/some side b**b/some skin/flash some major cleavage etc

And sometimes there are some headlines like the ones from the Daily Mail "...flashes some unsightly (unpleasant? unnatractive or offensive to look at? up to you the challenge of finding the meaning...) ... flesh.html

Fox news perhaps tried to use "flashes cameras" not to focus on that side of the story, or not to be sued, or lose reader, but inside the item, it goes "flashes underwear".
Perhaps they (Fox News) were playing with the word "flash", you know, a double entendre. Sort of.