Como dizer "família quatrocentona" em inglês

Gostaria de saber se existem algum termo em inglês parecido para o nosso (família quatrocentona), para famílias tradicionais e ricas.

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4 respostas
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jorgeluiz 1 6 92
Eu diria : Top social four hundred old family

cheers !
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
jorge, faltou o "years", as in "four hundred years old..."
Um termo parecido seria 'the four hundred', porém quer dizer especificamente das famílias tradicionais de New York, principalmente, aquelas que vieram no navio Mayflower (primeiro navio de puritanos a chegar na costa leste). Para esclarecer:

McAllister coined the phrase "the Four Hundred". According to him, this was the number of people in New York who really mattered; the people who felt at ease in the ballrooms of high society ("If you go outside that number," he warned, "you strike people who are either not at ease in a ballroom or else make other people not at ease."). The number was popularly supposed to be the capacity of Mrs William Backhouse Astor Jr.'s ballroom.[4] The Four Million, the title of a book by O. Henry, was a reaction to this phrase, expressing Henry's opinion that every human being in New York was worthy of notice.
Breckenfeld 3 15 131
My suggestion:

The quadricentennial family.
