Phrasal verbs com See: see about, see in, see through, etc

Boa noite, eu preciso saber o significado desses frasal verbs que estão nas frases abaixo, vocês não precisam traduzir as frases eu só quero o significado dos frasal verbs de cada frase em português

1)Jon likes reading, I'll see about buying him a novel for his birthday.

2)First wait until I finish typing the letter and then see Eddie in.

3)The doctors are seeing into a new treatment for cancer.

4)We all came to see Donald off and wish him the best of luck.

5)Sam was so badly injured that we wondered if she'd see the surgery out

6)The tourists saw the city over at night. 

7)I saw through Jo's behaviour and her intentions didn't surprise me. 

8)When Pete was depressed, all his friends saw him through.

9)Don't worry, I will see to the leak in the piping. 

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2 respostas
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Juliana Rios 24 105 397
por favor alguém poderia dizer o significado desses frasal verbs nessas frases e muito importante para mim.