Correção de texto:interacting with another cultural behavior

Cultural behavior is different in each part of the same country or through the globe, and interacting with another type of cultural behavior is quite a challenge for someone that is not well instructed in which way to behave yourself.

To prepare yourself to have the right conduct, when you are facing another cultural behavior when meeting someone, first of all you should have the knowledge of what type of body language you mustn't do and what kind of subject you must avoid.For example: in Brazil, is normal to call a waiter by raising your hand or your finger, but in some countries like Japan or france, it's a rude gesture.

So, take in account to know how to interact and behave yourself when facing another culture, it will be the key of a successful social interaction.

O professor das celebridades Daniel Bonatti ensina várias técnicas para você ter conversas melhores mesmo com conhecimentos básicos de inglês. Com as power questions você vai aprender a direcionar a conversa para onde quiser e com isso alcançar seus objetivos na comunicação. ACESSAR AULA
1 resposta
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This is just a rough draft, just passing remarks on your writing. Made by a sleepy basic or intermediate-level student. ;)

Cultural behavior is different in each part of the same country or across the globe, and interacting with another type of cultural behavior is quite a challenge for someone that is not well instructed in how to behave yourself in a new environment.

Another option:
Cultural behavior is different in parts of the same country or across the globe
Cultural behavior is usually/can be different in parts of the same country or across the globe

I find "across" more commom, but then, it´s me.

When you are facing another cultural behavior as you are meeting someone/a new acquaintance, first of all you should have the knowledge of the do´s and don´ts of body language. As an example, in Brazil is normal to call out/summon a waiter by raising your hand or your finger; whereas in some countries like Japan or France, it's a rude gesture.

Optionally, you could write:
...first of all you should understand/know the do´s and don´ts of body language. As an example, in Brazil is *normal to call out a waiter by raising your hand or your finger; whereas in some countries like Japan or France, it's a rude gesture.

*To add some emphasis, you could write Brazil is perfectly normal to call out...

So, be aware that you need to learn how to interact and behave yourself when facing/meeting another culture. This certainly will be the key of a successful social interaction.

It can be fine-tuned by more members of the Forum, let´s wait for more polishing of the text.
Anyway, I think it got a bit tidier. Not an awful lot tidier, but a bit tidier just the same.