Correção de texto: Gumption


Gumption is a quality that some people have to always take the lead in decisions and situations. People who have gumptions rarely wait thinks happen, they are always fighting to achieve their goals, to get their plans on going and to have their opinions and interests accepted.

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My corrections:


Gumption is a quality that some people have to always take the lead in decisions and situations. People who have *gumption rarely wait for things to happen. They are always fighting to achieve their goals, to get their plans moving and to have their opinions and interests accepted.

*Gumption doesn't have a plural form.

Note: This reminds me of a dialogue from the movie "The Holiday":

Jasper: What exactly has gotten in to you?
Iris: I don't know [pushes jasper out the door] but I think what I've got is something resembling, Gumption! [slams door shut]