Questions in English

Boa noite,

Estou tentando aprender a elaborar perguntas em inglês da seguinte maneira:

Eu pego um texto em inglês e vou criando perguntas através de cada frase e depois as respondo conforme o texto, mas gostaria que verificassem por gentileza se as perguntas estão formuladas corretamente e sugestões de como realmente aprender a formular perguntas em inglês, sites, livros, cursos que me levem a a ficar expert na elaboração de perguntas em inglês.
O objetivo dessa prática é formular perguntas e ao mesmo tempo respondê-las a fim de conseguir chegar a fluência em inglês!

Ficarei muito agradecido pela ajuda!!!

Segue abaixo o texto e as perguntas:

Scotland has a referendum on its independence. Many people come to a square in Glasgow. These people want Scotland to be independent.
The Glasgow region votes ‘yes’, and the people are happy. The people at the square hope that everyone will say ‘yes’. However, most people in Scotland say ‘no’. Most people want Scotland to stay a part of the United Kingdom.
The people at the square get angry. They start to break things. Police arrest six people.

1. What has Scotland?

Scotland has a referendum on its independence.

2. Where many people come to?

Many people come to a square in Glasgow.

3. What want these people?

These people want Scotland to be independent.

4. Who votes yes?

The Glasgow region votes ‘yes’.

5. What the people at the square hope?

The people at the square hope that everyone will say ‘yes’.

6. However, what most people said?

However, most people in Scotland said ‘no’

7. What want most people?

Most people want Scotland to stay a part of the United Kingdom.

8. How were the people at the square?

The people at the square were angry.

9. What they did?

They started to break things.

10. How many people the police arrested?

The police arrested six people.

Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA
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Desculpe se for informação demais. OK?
Se vc lembrar da regra de usar um auxiliar para fazer perguntas,observe:

Auxiliar + Sujeito - Do you....? Does she....? Did they....?

Quando houver uma WH question ou Question word como What (esta palavra vem primeiro).

Exemplo: Where did you learn English?

No caso do who (quando a pergunta for quem fez alguma coisa) use o verbo desse jeito:
Who works at that company?
Who watched that movie?
Who studies English?
Who loved her so much?
Percebeu, não tem auxiliar nas perguntas.
É uma exceção à regra.

Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA
16 60 498
Minha sugestão segue em negrito e sublinhada
Scotland has a referendum on its independence. Many people come to a square in Glasgow. These people want Scotland to be independent.
The Glasgow region votes ‘yes’, and the people are happy. The people at the square hope that everyone will say ‘yes’. However, most people in Scotland say ‘no’. Most people want Scotland to stay a part of the United Kingdom.
The people at the square get angry. They start to break things. Police arrest six people.

1. What has Scotland? What does Scotland have?

Scotland has a referendum on its independence.

2. Where many people come to? Where do many people come to?

Many people come to a square in Glasgow.

3. What want these people? What do these people want?

These people want Scotland to be independent.

4. Who votes yes? Correct

The Glasgow region votes ‘yes’.

5. What the people at the square hope? What do the people at the square hope?

The people at the square hope that everyone will say ‘yes’.

6. However, what most people said? What did the most people say? o however vc pode omitir.

However, most people in Scotland said ‘no’

7. What want most people? What do most people want?

Most people want Scotland to stay a part of the United Kingdom.

8. How were the people at the square? Correct

The people at the square were angry.

9. What they did? What did they do?

They started to break things.

10. How many people the police arrested? How many people did the police arrest?

The police arrested six people.[/quote]

Cheers! :mrgreen:
16 60 498
Ao fazer perguntas em inglês lembre-se de usar um auxiliar (do, does, did, will, would, to be... and so on)
Você pode pensar em perguntas da seguinte forma: ASIC (AUXILIAR + SUJEITO + VERBO NO INFINITIVO + COMPLEMENTO - O ÚLTIMO OPCIONAL)
Exemplo: Did he watch that movie yesterday?
Did = Auxiliar - A
He = Sujeito - S
Watch = Verbo Infinitivo - I
That Movie Yesterday = Complemento - C

Actually *(Pra dizer a verdade) essa fórmula serve para do, does, did, will e would.
Para os demais auxiliares sempre pergunte usando Auxiliar (1º) + Sujeito (2º)

Should I stay or should I go? (Should = Auxiliar e I = Sujeito)

My suggestion to study is the websiste "" é Britânico, mas as regras se aplicam a qualquer tipo de inglês...
Obrigado a todos pela ajuda da minha questão, foi muito útil, agradeço realmente!!!!