Correção de tese - parágrafo

Olá, podem me dar uma ajudinha? Estou traduzindo uma tese para o inglês e estou em dúvida sobre o uso dos verbos no seguinte parágrafo:
The main functions of the surfactants are: lower the surface tension, promote miscibility of ingredients, stabilize the bubbles during expansion and facilitate the incorporation of air for the mixture. In addition, make it possible to reduce the size, increase the number and prevent the coalescence of bubbles. Silicon surfactants act in various stages of the manufacturing process of PU foam.
Os verbos em negrito estão corretos ou devo usá-los no infinitivo (to low - to promote - to stabilize - to facilitate - to make ).
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O texto original
As principais funções dos surfactantes são: baixar a tensão superficial, promover a miscibilidade dos ingredientes, estabilizar as bolhas durante a expansão, e facilitar a incorporação do ar durante a mistura. Além disso, permitem reduzir o tamanho, aumentar o número e prevenir a coalescência das bolhas. Os surfactantes de silicone atuam em várias estapas do processo de fabricação de espumas de PU.
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The main functions of the surfactants include: lowering the surface tension, promoting miscibility of ingredients, stabilization of the bubbles during expansion and facilitation of the air incorporation into the mixture. In addition, it makes possible to reduce the size, increase the number and prevent the coalescence of bubbles. Silicon surfactants act in various stages of the manufacturing process of PU foam.

Por favor, aguarde mais sugestões, recentemente tenho errado bastante. :lol:
Faça um teste e descubra como está seus conhecimentos de vocabulário de inglês em 5 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE
6 49 1.3k
What I would say about Anapfd piece is "close but no cigar", it would use the particle TO.
At least the first one (of a paragraph), it would refer to all others verbs in it, so it would go like this: lower the surface tension, promote miscibility of ingredients, stabilize the bubbles during expansion and facilitate the incorporation of air for the mixture.

Just one preposition TO would do, in a paragraph/sentence when talking about several actions (verbs). My thinking, though, let´s wait for more opinions on the matter.

See some academical works on the Scielo site. ... 2&start=10

There are some examples in wich one would use others prepositions and structures, as you can see in that Scielo hits, with time you get the hang of it.
Thank you, guys :D both of you helped me a lot.
The main functions of the surfactants include:
"close but no cigar"
as you can see in that Scielo hits, with time you get the hang of it.
This site is amazing, definitely my new bedside reading.