Polish off - Tradução em português

Polish sth off informal

to finish something quickly and easily, especially a lot of food or work:

He polished off the whole pie.

I polished off three essays in one week.

polish sb off mainly US informal

to kill someone:

He was accused of polishing off his former partner.

polish sth/sb off informal

Arsenal polished off Chelsea 5–0 in Saturday's match.

Alguém poderia me explicar o uso desse phrasal verb em inglês?

e também essa frase "I'm 20 stories up, yeah I'm up at the top,
I'll polish off this bottle, now it's pushing me off" é um trecho da musica "Bullet".


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Observe que "polish off", assim como muitos outros verbos frasais, é usado em contextos informais e o mesmo ocorre no português informal.

Polish off - detonar, arrasar, destruir (informal)

He polished off the whole pie. - Ele detonou a torta inteira.

I polished off three essays in one week. - Eu terminei três redações em uma semana.

Polish sb off - mainly US informal - to kill someone:

He was accused of polishing off his former partner.
Ele foi acusado de acabar com seu ex-parceiro.

Polish sth/sb off (informal)

Arsenal polished off Chelsea 5–0 in Saturday's match.
Arsenal detonou o Chelsea por 5 a 0 no jogo de sábado.

"I'm 20 stories up, yeah I'm up at the top,
I'll polish off this bottle, now it's pushing me off" é um trecho da musica "Bullet".
(Procurei pela letra e vi que fala de um suicida!!)
"Eu estou 20 andares acima, sim estou no topo,
Eu vou detonar essa bebida, agora ela está me empurrando pra baixo
"Polish off this bottle" - tomar toda essa bebida
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In the first sense we use to say in Portuguese, "limpar o prato/lamber o prato.", with the meaning of leaving plate entirely empty.

In the U.S. restaurants an adult not polishing off their food is not much of a problem, one can always leave with a "doggy bags". Different approach in France.

http://www.thelocal.fr/20140226/heres-w ... doggy-bags