Como dizer "Dá tempo...? Ainda há tempo...?" em inglês

Pessoal eu precisei perguntar para um recrutador se ainda ''dava tempo de pegar um trabalho'' e acabei falando "Is it in time to get the job". Essa forma de dizer é errada?

Eu vi que tem outras formas de dizer também, no caso "there is still time to get the job".

Qual é melhor de usar?


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23 127 1.7k

Dá tempo...? Ainda dá tempo...? Ainda há tempo...?


Is there still time...?

Exemplos de uso:

Is there still time to get Nolan Ryan to stay? - [USA]
Is there still time to profit from REITs? - The Globe and Mail [Canada]
Is there still time to convert jazz singer Kate or restaurateur Henry into a third-generation anchor for the 2020 election? [The Guardian - UK]

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6 49 1.3k
Your first sentence didn´t have a natural ring to me, though, obviously others may not agree with me.

A more natural way could be "May I apply for the position/job now or am I too late?" /Is it too late to apply to the job opening?, or others in which you would use the words "deadline" etc. Those, I will leave to other members of the Forum. Teamwork! :lol:
6 49 1.3k
To my thinking (others may think otherwise - or know better!), "there is still time to do something..." sometimes (or most of the times) may suggest a more "elastic" time span, that is, to things that takes a little more time.

Other times it may be a more pressing statement, then it really could be both (that is, the meanings "dá tempo" and "ainda há tempo" could intersect.)

See these examples, please:

Not so pressing:
-There's still time to watch him grow. (Ainda temos tempo para o ver crescer.)

-We haven't come up with anything yet, but there's still time. (Não nos ocorreu nada ainda, mas ainda temos tempo.)

-And if you haven't had a chance to vote yet, don't worry, there's still time. (Se ainda não votaram, não se preocupem, ainda dá tempo.)

-You're dying, but there's still time to hurt you. (Você está a morrer, mas ainda há tempo para o magoar.)

Could be pressing, urgent. But then it could also be said in a way that wasn´t so insistent/compelling.
-Let's get out of here while there's still time. (Vamos sair daqui, enquanto ainda há tempo.)
1 24 214
Mais uma sugestão:

"... do/es (I)(you)(s/he)(they) still have time?"
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